
Izlah stood in the center of the little town named Stardust, she was converting regular gold liquid that usually is used to make gold into another liquid to make a potion for the witches to devise spells with. This newly fresh gold glowing potion she has made is for the witches to devise their plans on trying to become stronger beings so they can hopefully triumph over the other races in their lands. They’ve been wanting to become the most powerful race for centuries. Izlah has been an alchemist for many years now, she is still young though in the eyes of the elves. Humans tend to age quicker than the elves, so that being said, she’s been practicing alchemy for 45 years, but in the elven eyes she can pass for only 23 years of age. Her bright blue eyes lit up as she took another bottle of liquid gold and gently poured it into the medium sized potion for the witches, it made her eyes glow brightly in the dimly lit town, the sun starting to set causing the sky to go bright pink and orange also made the side of her face glow with pink ish colors hitting her Snow White hair. she’s tried and failed at this potion so many times before, but learning form a great alchemist master, she knows this time her potion will not fail. People walked on by as she concentrated working on her potion in her little booth. Some of their eyes going wide as it glowed brightly, others didn’t pay any attention as they minded their own business. Then suddenly the potion grew suddenly Icy cold by the touch, this made her almost drop her potion! She gasped and had to gently set it down in a potion holder. Eyeing it carefully she noticed that it started to swirl with some light blue in it. Her thick white eye brow raised in curiosity on whats taking place, like some strange chemical reaction, she doesn’t remember that happening with the potion that the great alchemist master made. How odd, she thought to herself. A woman walked by and decide to make a stop by her booth. “Ah, I see my potion is ready, yes?” The middle aged woman asked. She had a grey hood over her long black curly hair and brown eyes staring at the young elven woman now lifting her gaze up at the woman. “Oh! Yes, it is ready, you are Ella, one of the main witches right ?” She asked trying to make sure this is the right woman. Ella sighed softly, “yes it is I, I’m here for the potion, and have brought some money along with me. Was told you are the best alchemist in the town. Actually the best one that any one has even heard of yet, besides the great master, of course he’s extremely hard to get ahold of these days. Always on the go.” She said rolling her eyes as if she wasn’t pleased with the great master.

Izlah smiled at Ella, as she tucked her white hair behind her elven ear, and then went to grab the potion very gently to hand it over to the witch. Ella then smiled showing her white pearly teeth as the potion glowed in her hands. The coldness didn’t seem to bother her. She then took the brown sack of coins and tossed it over to izlah. “Thank you...” she said looking at the bag then back up at the woman. “I hope it wor” but she got cut off when the witch suddenly disappeared into thin air like her body became mist that went into the earth and watered the ground. Izlah’s blue eyes grew huge and she leaned over the front of the booth to try and see if the woman was playing tricks on her. Sure enough the witch was gone along with the potion. Izlah scratched her head and said “well.... I guess the potion works after all.” She shrugged unsure of what to do, and decided to pack her belongings up for the day and head home.

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