A write a tripadi poem about birds.

A tripadi is a form of Bengali poetry that consists of multiple three-line stanzas, where the first and second lines of each stanza rhyme.

Free Bird🐦‍⬛

I love watching

all the beautiful

birds fly and

soar through

the bright blue sky.

They sing and chirp

their own unique

songs, all day long.

They’re so many

different types of birds

all over the world.

They’re fun to watch

and learn about, especially

When you can identify

Them just by their song!

Try to look around or

Listen more, and you’ll be

Amazed at all the songs

They sing to us daily.

If you really want

to observe them up

Closer, get a bird house

and/or Feeder! Many

will turn and cock

their Heads to the side

Just like a dog does

But, be Careful you might

Just fall in love with

Your new found feathered


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