Your character looks into the two-way mirror and says, “I know you’re watching me.”
What happens next?
“I know you’re watching me.” The girl on the other side with two brown braids steps back. Funny, she didn’t expect me to see her, did she? “I know you’ve been following me, but here’s the thing, whenever you try to chase me, I just get further and further away, so why don’t you just give up?”
Her eyes widen. “So you’re the villain everyone’s been talking about?” I raise my eyebrows, amused.
“Everyone? Wow, I didn’t think I was that popular. Honored, really. Why are you following me?”
Her eyes become defiant. That’s cute. “You’re hurting people! I’m going to stop you.”
Laughing, I say, “you really don’t get it, do you?” I had figured it out from the beginning. Ever since I so happened to wind up in a universe that she had already been in, I had known.
“Get what?” She countered. This girl, Tina? Trix? Is starting to get on my nerves.
I roll me eyes. “For some reason your blip powers are linked to me. Whenever you move into a new universe I am pulled into one further from yours. We physically can not exist in the same universe.”
“How-“ she pauses. “Why do you hurt so many people in every universe you enter?” She questions angrily.
Ah I remember.
“Y’know what, I’d really love to chat, but now that you know the truth why don’t you just stay put and let me have a semi normal life.” She seems stunned by the simplicity of my words. I couldn’t care less.
Before she can say another word I take a deep breath and punch the mirror in front of me with all my power. It shatters into a million pieces.
(This is a scene from a book I’m writing titled Blip, I couldn’t think of any other name for the scene lol. Thx for reading! I just have a quick question for those who frequently read my writings, I’m just curious, do any of you listen to my song of the week things? It’s fine if not but I’m just wondering if I should keep updating it every week.)