
Apparently I wrote this like poetry in paragraphs?? I don’t know so I don’t expect you to :)

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If I can get us to the top, they’ll be safe. If I can get us to the top, they’ll be okay. If I can get us to the top, they’ll survive. If I can get us to the top, they won’t suffer. I can’t get us to the top.

Way up above, the mighty structure shimmers in the afternoon light. Angels of peace float down and take flight. Carrying children of war into arms of safety. To live the way they never got the chance to.

Way up above, the mighty structure shines with enchantment cast to protect the ones who travel far. Away from our home, the roses of hope, the vase of kindness, the blanket of warmth. All left behind. All we have is love. Love for each other, just the three of us. War has stolen the rest, our love buried with them. And we move on, into the trek that will kill us or keep us alive.

We’re too young for this. He can’t tie his shoes. She can’t climb a tree. I can’t follow a map. But we have to do this.

I am broken. Bloodied and bruised. From the rock of heartbreak I tripped on. From the fog of hopelessness I suffocated in. From the pain of love my heart stopped beating for.

We have to make it. I didn’t make it. But maybe they’ll make it without me. The worst part is, I’ll never know.

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