You begin to hear a voice singing to you, a voice that nobody else can hear. It slowly grows louder, and carries a sinister message.
Create a poem based on this concept. You may wish to include the voice's words and use them throughout the poem.
Je Ne Suis Pas…
_Je ne suis pas belle._ [I am not beautiful.]
The mirror isn’t enough for me.
The makeup doesn’t make it better.
They say I’m pretty; I don’t agree,
I’m just a name, with distorted letters.
_Je ne suis pas. _ [I am not.]
My doubt could swallow me whole,
with its jaws snapping my neck,
and its words burning, yet ice cold.
It keeps you far worse than in check.
_Je ne suis pas belle, _ [I am not beautiful,]
_je ne le serai jamais._ [I never will be.]
Makeup was my savior, coloring my face,
covering up just how messed up I am.
It covered up my nature of a disgrace,
my nature of playing victim, playing lamb.
_Je ne suis pas belle, _ [I am not beautiful,]
_peu importe combien_ [no matter how much]
_je voulais être._ [I wanted to be.]
I’m not the pretty image in the mirror,
not the neat clothes on my body.
The person I am, to me, is not any clearer.
I know who I’m not, they scream at me.
_Je suis faux._ [I am fake.]
_Je ne suis pas belle._ [I am not beautiful.]
I have hobbies people like, the pretty ones.
Violin and writing, calligraphy and French.
I feel like I’m an athlete, baggage worth tons,
like I’m the greatest, but I got benched.
_Mais je ne suis pas génial._ [But I am not great.]
I’ve always liked music, songs in my ears,
but the _chanteuse_ in my head hurts
because she’s screaming all my fears,
like I can’t feel the pain, or hear the alerts.
_Je ne suis pas belle._ [I am not beautiful.]
The rhythm I once liked so much,
still rings in the hollow between my ears.
It seems my love for it is now out of touch,
because it was the reason I am now in tears.
_Je n'aime plus cette chanson_. [I don’t like this song anymore.]