They Know

Me : I found it outside my door.

Hooded Figure: What! when?

Me: This Morning.

The Hooded Figure walks a little closer to the bag. He steps out of the shadows just enough onto the light for us to observe slight details of the figure. Some Mala’s hang from the neck. There seems to be some kind of weapon it hides behind in the shadows that it holds.

Hooded Figure : DId you open it?

Me: No, as soon as I recongised the bag I brought it here.

As the figure walks a little closer to the bag something within the bag lights up.

Hooeded Figure: They Know!

Me : Who knows?

I went ahead to open the bag and when I looked up he was no longer there. The words “They Know” kept echoing through my mind. I left the place immediately,

decided to leave the bag there and walk away from this once and for all. Little did I know that it was not going to that easy. They… They Know.

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