‘Softness is to anger what rain brings to snow.’

What does this line make you think of? Write a poem structured and themed around this line, so that it fits in naturally.

Rain Melts

The heat of the day

Cools as the night sky dims

The chill of the evening

Deepens as the stars swim

The depth of the darkness

Lessens as the sky brightens

The twinkling stars shimmer

Until the rays lighten

The dark black edges

Of the sky turns deep blue

The orange and yellow brightness

Changes the sky’s hue

The softness changes the anger

Of the depth of the night

Like rain melts the snow

The sky is now bright

The new day offers

New meaningful moments

The soft rays of the sun

Bring bright memories closer

Ponder yourself

As the new day turns

Lay the notes on the shelf

The rain cleanses yurns


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