
I try not to smile when I see him.

But then he smiles and my whole world melts.

I try not to look into his deep brown eyes.

But then I see them, and I can’t look away.

I try to talk to him.

But then he’s surrounded by other girls.

I try not to cry.

But then I remember that I might have loved him.

I try to avoid him in the halls.

But everywhere I turn, he’s there.

I try to hear what he’s saying to his friends.

But when he’s around all I can hear is my heart beating in my chest

I try to tell myself to move on

But my heart tells me it isn’t just a crush

Even though we’ve never spoken.

He’s stood up for me

Sometimes I wonder

If maybe he and I are something

The universe created

I’ve never been in love

But I feel sick around him

And it’s the first time that I love being sick

So I keep trying

I keep dreaming

But how long till I stop pretending?

He and I are just a moment

Don’t forget me, I think as he passes.

Cause there’s no way I’ll ever forget you

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