Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.


I look at you in other awe and love. Lust. Obsession. The sunlight bathes you in golden shades under a peach tree. Still. Healthy as a elder, sick like a newborn. The life in you as bright as ever just now showing the lessening wax. Burning itself away, slowly but faster than ever. Healthy yesterday, sick today, rest tomorrow- fine tomorrow. Healthy today, sick yesterday, gone. Torn from my grasp. Right from my hands. The sun is gone now and the rain falls hard. Harder than ever. Then the sun comes out, only you're not bathing in it. You bathe in memory. You bathe in the earth beneath my toes. You bask in my love instead of the gold sun. You don't call anymore. you rest. You rest. You sleep. Free from pain. Finally. No matter how selfish I wanted to be. Anything, everything I could give. I would. l still would. A never ending love for you I promise you that. I'm waiting for the day of the peach tree that will be so much brighter, golden, so much warmer, with you
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