The Boy.

Nobody else could see him. But I could. I woke up , to a strange voice coming through my wall. I didn't recognise it, so I went to have a look in the next room. To my surprise, sitting on the bed, looking most bewildered was a boy, around my age, in ragged clothes and an old cap. He looked like he had been down a mine or something. He was filthy!

“Hello, where have you come from?” I ask, not really phased that some unknown person was in the house. The boy looked up and gave a weak smile.

“I’m josh.” He looked around, really studying the room. Almost like everything in it was alien to him. He picked up a lego brick from the floor and fiddled with it, examining the plastic. “What’s this then” he asked. I couldn’t believe he had no idea what Lego was. I explained about the Lego, and what you do with it. Pulling out the drawer of Lego, the boys eyes widened at the array of colours. “Wow, I have never seen anything like it!” He exclaimed, rummaging through. Clearly this boy was either very new to Lego, or very new to everything. I decided to test him.

“ I have some questions. Firstly, what’s your favourite TV character?” He looked back, like I was talking a foreign language. “Huh? What’s TV?” He asked. Well this wasn’t going too great. He looked like he was back from Victorian times. What if he was?

“Okay, next question, who won World War Two?” Again, the boys eyes widened. “What? There was a world war!? He cried, face full of disbelief. Okay, he is clearly from way further back than I anticipated. I tried another tactic.

“So what's the last thing you remember of where you are from?” I ask. He pulled a puzzled look, searching deep to find the answer. He scratched his head. “Oh! I remember! I was walking along the road, and this huge horse and carriage came from out of nowhere. I tried to run, but I remember he went in to me. Then I was here. Where am I again?” He was so distracted with the things in the room, his voice sort of trailed off. “ This is 29 Darward way. This is my home. It's 2021. Where are you from?” A huge look of shock spread across the boys face? “2021! It can't be! It was 1901 a minute ago!” He got up, all in a fluster. He went toward the window and peered out. “Okay.. What's going on? What is all this!?” he shrieked? “Ssshhh! Mum will hear you if you are too loud! Come with me, and I will explain everything.” I grabbed his hand and led him to my room.

Once in, I shut the door and put a chair in front of it. “Sit down, and I will tell you everything you need to know.” He sat on the edge of my bed, eyes in awe if just about everything around. I decided to use my laptop for guidance. I started to google “ A brief history from 1900 to present”. Josh started leaning in right in front of me, staring at the screen. He prodded it warily, backing away after each touch. “What is this sorcery?” He asked now mesmerised by the screen. I explain, and then find what I am looking for, clearing my throat. “Okay. You are clearly from the past. I am going to tell you all the key events since you.. Uh.. Died... Okay?” I wasn't waiting for an answer. I proceeded to read through the world wars, the space missions, technology and computers. Josh listened in awe if just how much had happened. He took it all in though.

“ I think it's time you got in to some modern clothes..” I suggested, making my way to the wardrobe. I pulled out some jeans and a Tshirt. He took them carefully and suspiciously, confused clearly. Once changed, I suggested we go out, so I could put all the newly learned information into perspective. Some of the places, josh recognised but the vast majority were incredibly new to him. We spent about an hour before stopping off for lunch. I ordered a couple of burgers. Whilst we were waiting, we talked non stop about our worlds. I was oblivious to the fact that everyone was starting at me. I was oblivious to the fact that I was the only one that could see Josh...

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