While on a hike with your friends, you stumble upon a coven of witches. They are eager to initiate your group of hikers into their coven, and the opportunity seems too good to pass up.

Continue the story. You don’t have to characterise the coven as typical evil witches, think of how else you could tell this story...

A delicate, dreamlike melody

I should’ve known something was wrong when we found the clearing. The rest of the forest - the sheer jungle - that we’d just spent the better part of three hours tracking through was overgrown. It stank of the earth - unsurprisingly - of things growing and rotting in perfect harmony with each other. But its colours were muted, faded greens and browns that had mushed together over time. When Marcus stepped on a twig, it didn’t snap. It squelched.

“What I wouldn’t give for a desert assignment right now,” Marcus moaned, rubbing feet that were equal parts wet and blistered.

“Keep yourself together, Private,” I replied, but not unkindly. Marcus was my best friend, after all.

“Wait, what’s that?” Marcus’ gaze was razor sharp, locked in something beyond the thicket of trees facing us.

“A clearing?” I guessed, my vision not being as good as his, evident in the spectacles that dangles from a chain around my neck.

Not giving a moment’s pause, Marcus stalked through the underbrush, mindless of the foliage he was destroying.

“Damn it,” I muttered, taking off after him with a heavy sigh.

When I eventually staggered through the wall of trees, cursing when thorns prickled my palms, it was the sound that hit me first. A delicate, dreamlike melody that softened the hard line of my shoulders.


“Marcus?” I call out, but my voice sounds distant, even to my own ears.

Smoke wafts through the clearing in iridescent plumes, softening my vision. I shake my head once. Twice, trying to clear it, but it clings to me, steadfast.

I see Marcus ahead of me, in deep conversation with a hooded figure.

Strange, I think, I don’t remember seeing them before. Then they throw back their hood and a tumble of grey curls fall out.

“Do you agree?” the witch wonders. For of course she’s a witch, with her gnarled nose and sunken cheeks.

Marcus nods blithely, extending a hand for her to shake and it’s only when their palms connect that I realise what a terrible idea this hiking trip was.

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