Inspired by EnglishGirl112

He had never planned on attacking them. He didn't want revenge; he didn't want war... That is until they bought the war to him.

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He had never planned on attacking them. He didn’t want revenge; he didn’t want war.. That is until they brought the war to him. It was a double cross, a treaty had already been signed and yet they stood there, ready to attack, masking their intentions with well wishes as they left, only to command their army to climb.

Even as they climbed his fortress he felt happy, even satisfied with the conclusion. They never saw it coming, they were naive, naive to trust after years of bloodshed, unprepared for the hoards of armoured men standing atop their great wall, preparing to invade their fortress.

The king stood looking over his city, the city he saved, the city he built up from the dirt and into the skies, he looked over in dread, in regret, all he could hear were screams, all he could see was fire, his city, his home*, deteriorating as he stood in shock. The fire was quickly climbing, spreading up the flags, banners, anything it could get it’s hands on, merciless, like a bloodthirsty beast.

They had brought every man they had, their entire infantry, fire canons, flaming arrows, anything they could muster, they burned the city top down, herding all of the people to the lower levels where they could be cornered easily, a premeditated vicious attack.

It was as if the king was frozen, unable to speak a word, unable to move. The guards were already upon the invaders, he could hear their swords clashing with one another, the echoing sound of sharpened metal slicing against each other. All of a sudden there was a loud sound, wood breaking down, rocks falling, shrill screams, that array of sound seemed to snap him from his haze, he turned, taking a deep breath and hastily marched his way out, maddened, filled with rage.

Their surprise attack was cunning, they assumed they’d be victorious using their element of surprise, yet no matter their previous attacks; guard posts, storage dens, anything containing valuable items, they always seemed to lose many more than him, he knew he was stronger, before the treaty he hesitated to crush them, now filled with blinding fury his hesitation fizzled away, he would eradicate them with no shred of a doubt.

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