Try writing a romantic Pantoum.
A pantoum is a poem where each stanza is 4 lines, and the second and fourth line of each stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next.
For Julia
Dear Julia
I know
I fucked it up
Can I be forgiven
I know
You can’t love me
Can I be forgiven?
It’s all I have to offer
You can’t love me
After what I did
It’s all I have to offer
To give you an explanation
After what I did
I still love you
To give you an explanation
I wanted to be honest
I still love you
After I told you
I wanted to be honest
I wasn’t satisfied
After I told you
I just wanted more love
I wasn’t satisfied
From your worries
I just wanted more love
I just wasn’t recovering
From your worries
Of whose watching us
I just wasn’t recovering
From the constant fear
Of whose watching us
Pretending like this wasn’t our time
From the constant
To the endless neglect
Parenting like this wasn’t our time
To be left alone
To the endless neglect
Of my own wants and needs
To be left alone
I’m in the cold
Of my own wants and needs
I gave you my jacket and
I’m in the cold
I praise you like the lord
I gave you my jacket and
Spectated as we fell in and out
I praise you like the lord
I still wonder how
Spectated as we fell in and out
Of my patient
I still wonder how
I still love you
Of my patients
Waiting for it
I still love you
From, your breaking lover