“Someone’s At The Window”

“Dude, did you hear that?”

Will’s vision was blurry. But he could manage to make out the silhouette of his friend bolted upright.

“Hear wha…” he yawned. He forced his eyes to open and pushed himself up. He looked up at the clock on the bedside table.

**_1:30 AM


“I don’t hear anything…” He mumbled, sleep still clinging on to him. His warm sheets invited him back in. “What are you talking abo—“


Will’s head shot towards the window.

There it was. A swift shadow. It vanished as soon as it knocked the glass.

“Someone’s at the window…” Alex whispered.

Faint light crept into his room from the window above his bed. Shadows thickened around them as they waited in the dark. He felt the ominous silence caress him down his neck.

“I’ll go get Dad—“

“SHH!!” Alex gripped his arm tight.

A hooded figure loomed behind the glass.


A chill went up their spines. It tapped again. But this time, it didn’t leave. A silhouette of a person came into view.

“Don’t. Move.”

Will’s stomach churned with the person tried peeping through the window. His room suddenly wasn’t the safest pace anymore.

“Will?” Alex nudged him in the ribs. “You did lock the window right?”

That’s when it hit him.

**He hadn’t.**

Panic let loose like a bunch of scattering ants.

The window slid open. The figure darted in. Will let loose a scream. But it was cut short. The figure jumped off the bed and tackled him on the ground. The intruder’s knee pressed against his chest.


“SHH! It’s me!” A voice hissed. “You’re gonna wake Uncle James up!”

The lights flicked on revealing Will’s cousin in a black hoodie, towering on top of him.

“Avery?” Alex whispered exasperatedly. “Are you crazy?”

“I prefer crea— HEY!”

Will pushed her off him and sat up. “Maniac…” he muttered under his breath.

Avery removed her hood, revealing her caramel hairs.

“Seriously, can’t a lady even sneak in peace?” She complained as she climbed up the bed to shut the window. “I bet you forgot to lock your window too…”

“Maybe try telling us next time?” Alex hissed, “You scared us!”

“Ha! And miss out on the look on your faces? I’m good.” Avery sat cross legged on the mattress, “So? What are we doing?”

“_IIII_ don’t think I’ll be able to sleep after what just happened.” Alex plopped over the bed beside her. “And the ice cream in Will’s fridge looked too good to be ignored…”


The two looked at Will like excited puppy dogs.

He sighed.

“Fine. I’ll get it”

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