Write a descriptive paragraph about the contents of your wardrobe, encapsulating as many of the senses as possible.

Try to focus on making this an interesting and descriptive narrative, rather than what the clothes are for.

Things hidden In the closet

I have several outfits to wear, but I don’t know what to choose to put on so I just compromise and put something that would actually match what I’m wearing but overall I look fantastic I loved this

outfit it came in handy, but the shirt was too small so I had to wear a extra large shirt under my dress because I will be attending a party for one of my family members.

Sometimes I wear clothes, that aren’t fitting me very well but I am always able to adjust to that like change the clothing but anyway enough about the clothes I think that everything else is important

besides clothing, and it’s not everything we can’t just spend our hard earned money to pay for our food as well as other things.

I think that we take life, for granted and think that we will always be successful and rich but life doesn’t work that way and we have to learn to deal with day to day life.

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