I Am Worthy Pt 2

So please oh please don’t treat it the same

As people on a chess board caught in check

So you must realize we are all a wreck

In this world full of pain, but not only

Heartache but we are not lonely.

The people we have and loved ones we care

For all may share

The worries and thoughts we can’t help think

So before you judge just know we aren’t all in sync.

We are all different in our own way

But that doesn’t mean we can just betray

The ones who have been with us through the most

Because why boast

The words we have said and people we have harmed,

When all we really do is make them armed

With hate and depression that we also feel

So why take out on others what we know is too real?

Real as the anxiety and depression and thoughts filling the mind

Why would we do something so unkind?

Because we hurt and want others to also

Its the world we live in, so let’s stop and follow

The One who has gave us this glorious life where Happiness and joy and not only strife

But the love we have for others will heal

The hearts we break and time we steal.

We have this gift so let’s not waste it

This life we were given so let’s just admit

The sins we have sinned, words we have lied.

Let’s make this place a better world so we can survive

This attack on us from the evil who lurks

Around every corner so let’s make it work

To steal our hearts and minds from God’s hand

So that we will always be with him and go with His plan.

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