Rigor mortis had already set in but she managed to pry the piece of paper out of the victim's cold, lifeless hand.
Write a story using the prompt as the first line
The backstory
Finally! She would understand what was so important about this piece of paper. A paper that not only made her mom leave Petra and her father, but so important that her own mother died grasping it till the her last breathe. As she grasp the passer she realizes how old and dirty the paper is, she starts to unfold it and dust off the years. She lifts it to the light and before her very eyes a the paper is snatched away by the most acrobatic monkey she’s ever seen. Petra runs through the ancient cave out to the opening hoping to even catch a glimpse of the thieving monkey. Much to her dismay she saw just the open jungle and no movement about. What was she to do? How would she be able to find this monkey? Could she? Likely not but she couldn’t just give up after all this. She was so infused with rage she began to throw sticks about left and right! Screaming to the sky, tears of anger began the streak down her cheeks. Why didn’t her mom just be normal? Why couldn’t she had stay home, clean the house and make crafts with young Petra? She just wanted to have a normal upbringing but since the age of 6 she knew that would never be possible for her.