
Submitted by Aaron G. Wolfe

"They were gone. All of them, just like that."

Write a story using the prompt as the first line.

Friend Groups

They were all gone. All of them, just like that.. this describes how I feel what happened with my friend groups. They always say your circle of friends gets smaller through the years and boy were they right. Freshman year I had a lot of friends! Different groups and different standards. sophomore year the groups split and I had one main group of people that I thought were all friends of mine. betrayal and backstabbing taught me otherwise. Junior year that group split even smaller and i ended up with only a handful of those friends. We did everything together, we were a little family away from our own. And then senior year I realized the only person I truly have is myself.. the thousands of people you went to school with will be irrelevant and 95% of the time you’ll never hear from them again. I taught myself to remember that only you can control what happens in your life time, because you’re the only one who lives it.

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