Write a poem titled “You Never Asked, But…”
Unsaid sentiments may be a prominent theme in this poem.
You Never Asked, But…
Its 2024 and now i lay in a different boys room, with new memorys, a new family, and new friends.Last time i saw you i chased after you to scream at you about everything you did to me, you met the new boy and saw your lies when you said “no one will want you.” But you and me lasted 7 months while me and him and 1 year and 2 and still counting.
You never asked me how i was,
You never asked me if i was doing okay,
Because before we got the chance to be friends you where still demanding me to do stuff. You got blocked but you never blocked me. It was easier to be mad at you then enjoy the moments we had while it lasted.
You where toxic so incredibly toxic,
Made me become this Slut whore that i didnt wanna be. I had no choice,
You forced me upon a role i didnt accept.
I was 13 when you did this all the way till i was 14.
You ruined my teenage beginnings.
You and your ginger hair haunts me.
You were my biggest mistake yet i learnt lessons i shouldnt of had to learn so young. You left me unclean and dirty.
No one not even my parents know exactly what you did to me.
Because you never asked.