Dear Diary (part 1)

This is part one, it does not fit this prompt at all, lol! It’s an assignment for my sophomore english, please give me harsh criticism, thank you!

β€œWe’re here!” Olivia exclaimed, exhausted from the arduous flight.

Oliver grunted, β€œI’m going to take a nap!” Then walked away.

β€œThere’s a TV here, so we can watch Netflix!” Chloe screamed.

β€œFirst, we need to put food in the fridge,” Zack announced.

β€œOk babe, I’ll help you!” Chloe called, following him.

β€œWell I guess I’ll start the TV by myself…” Olivia mumbled.

A few minutes later Olivia started hearing odd noises. At first she thought it was the air conditioner, but when the sounds got louder, she realized they were coming from the attic.

β€œGuys?” She called. I guess they can’t hear me, maybe I should go check it out, she thought to herself.

Just then Oliver entered the room, β€œDo you hear that sound?” He asked, β€œIt woke me up.”

β€œWell duh!” Olivia joked. β€œIt’s coming from the attic, will you go find a ladder..?”

β€œOnly if you’re the one who climbs up there.” Oliver said, pivoting on his heel, he walks away.

β€œFine,” Olivia grumbled angrily.

A few minutes later, Olivia was in the attic searching for anything out of the ordinary. β€œWhat’s that!?” She exclaimed, grabbing what looked like a book with a shiny padlock on it. β€œGuys! I found a book, I think it’s a diary!”

β€œCool!” Zack said with anticipation.

β€œI’m coming down now, watch your heads!” Olivia announced, purposefully kicking Oliver.

β€œHey!” He yelped, rubbing his forehead, β€œThat was my head!”

β€œWell obviously!” Olivia laughed.

β€œLet’s take a selfie with it, hashtag old creepy diary!” Chloe smiled, snapping a picture, and posting it.

β€œI’m going to take a closer look at that diary.” Zack said, examining it cautiously. β€œThat’s strange.” He said, lifting the padlock slightly. β€œOlivia, your name is engraved on the padlock.”

β€œWhat? β€˜Olivia Johnson’” She read, β€œOh my gosh, it is!” She marveled.

β€œIs it just me, β€œOliver interjected, β€œor is that like…really strange.”

β€œIt’s just a coincidence.” Olivia said.

β€œWhatever…” He mumbled back.

β€œOh shut up!” Olivia snapped. β€œSince it has my name, I’m going to unlock it!”

β€œWoah.” Olivia gulped a few moments later when the padlock actually unlocked.

β€œWhat’s in it?” Zack asked.

β€œWell it seems like there are two entries.” Olivia stated. β€œThis first one says, β€˜Dear Diary, Today I arrived in Saint Lucia with my friends! I can’t wait to get ice cream and tan on the beach! It's going to be amazing!’. The second one says, β€˜Dear Diary, we were supposed to go to the beach today, but it was raining too much, so we stayed here. Then, later in the day, a creepy man knocked at the door and wanted my diary. When I refused, he tried to hurt me. Thankfully, I kicked him and then Oliver hit him with a frying pan!’ That’s so weird. There are so many similarities between us and this diary,” Olivia concluded.

β€œWe shouldn’t read into it too much. It’s getting late and I’m exhausted. Let’s just go to bed,” Zack yawned.

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