Create a scene where your protagonist is anticipating a significant event, but there are multiple delays.

Use these delays to practice building suspense and anticipation for the reader.

The Work

I’ll do the work tomorrow.

I wake up. I go to school. The work awaits me at home.

Just one more minute, then I’ll start the work. I promise! This time I won’t get distracted.

But this art study on YouTube could really help me! I’ll watch this video, then I’ll get to work. This are is so cool, what else is on the channel? More art! That’s awesome, and look at how well they draw these hands…

I wish I could be as good as them, but with more practice, I can be. I will be. I’ll keep practicing.

Oh right, the work. I’ll just finish this last video. Haha this guy’s funny, wonder what the comment section has to say.

‘If you like this guy you should check out my channel.’ I bet it’s gonna be some boring stuff. I might as well just look at what videos this guy has.

I’ve been watching for an hour. I can’t keep just ignoring the work! I’ll set a timer for five minutes and then I swear that I’ll start.

Scrolling. Cool art.

Scrolling. Better than me.

Scrolling. How does this kid already have a book published?

Scrolling. I’ll do something great someday, I promise.

Scrolling. I already have a plan, all I have to do is stop procrastinating.

Scrolling. Why did I go to the comment section?

Scrolling. There’s so much hate in the world.

Scrolling. I’m not good enough.

I forgot about my timer. I set it at 4:00. It’s 5:00. I can get to work now. But what’s the point? I’m not good enough! I’m not good enough!

A text from my friend. She can’t help me with the work, but I want to be a good friend. I’ll just work on it when I’m done with texting her.

Oh wait, now I have to sleep.

I’ll do the work tomorrow.

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