A Fantasy Snippet

Tape surrounded all four corners of the court yard and for the first time, I got to experience what it’s like to be restricted in the Throne Room.

I kept behind the pillar so I wasn’t spotted. Broken bones laid on the floor surrounded by evidence tape. How cruel does a human have to be to shatter the bones of their own royal subject? Leaving the bones recklessly scattered on the floor, but leaving the head whole. A personal attack on my uncle.

“We found a part of his lung,” one of the knights reported. They had bagged it up. “It’s all black.”

The detective looked at the lung piece in the bag and sighed. “Poisen.” He shakes his head and hands it off to the person who collects the evidence. I glitch at his observation. I hope he died from that first then to be severed into many pieces; suffering the whole time.

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