by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a children's story inspired by this image. Think about the language and themes used for younger audiences (you can add a hidden adult theme if you like!)
It’s magical. The way that the land and the sea meet. The goldfish, so majestic, looks at me through the glass, the only thing that separates us. I want to know what she’s thinking, I want to be inside of her mind for only a moment to understand what it must be like to be on the other side of the glass. The side of the glass where the water consumes you; the side of the glass where you can swim and never grow tired.
I reach my hand out, somehow thinking that I would be able to feel her scales beneath my hand. But alas, my hand only touches the glass and I am felt imagining what it must feel like to touch her beautiful sunset colored scales. She presses her face against the glass, and I think that she wants to know what my head feels like to.
I think, that this feeling, that this magical thing, between land and sea will always be a mystery. The knowing of glass that separates what one would wash over in moments, instead shows a beautiful separation of what could never meet.
I think about how wonderful it is, that I can see this living creature breathing on the other side of me in a case of water, and somehow not be drowned with the rushes the water would overcome me, if the glass was not there. Such a fragile thing, that if it should break we would be flooded out. But as for now, I am grateful for the glass. I am grateful for this magical moment with the land in the sea meet.