Inspired by Cheyenne King

Write a poem where someone is summoned by destiny or fate.

Maybe this person feels like they have a 'calling', or maybe in a fantasy world destiny really does come for people.

Being me

I feel this need

To be perfect

To stay inside the lines

To fit in the perfect box

That was designed by society

But not made for me

I feel the need to exceed expectations

And fly to the moon

To make someone else happy

The perfect weighs on my shoulders

Pushes me forward

Pushes me around

And I have no choice anymore

it need to be neat and tidy

Things have to happen a certain way

The stantards of perfection float out of reach

Closing the walls in on me

I cant handle the push and pull anymore

Perfection is nk longer my priority

It is time to focus on just being me

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