Submitted by EnglishGirl112

Whispers on the Wind

Write a poem or short story that could have this as the title.

Whispers On The Wind

They tell me lies.

Every little thing anyone has ever said behind my back.

The good.

The bad.

Sure maybe I asked for it.

With my rolling eyes.

But soft spoken words.

They tell me what I truly think of myself.

Filled with insecurities.

And regrets.

Standing in front of the mirror.

I hear the whispers the strongest.

Hits me hard late at night.

Tells me to do this and do that.

That everyone’s just jealous.

My own projection.

I blow the wind in the other direction.

It always comes back in a rush.

How can something so gentle be so harsh?

Recognition turned to comparison.

Left with my tears.

And picked at skin.

Left to cover it all up.

And hide what I feel within.

They tell me lies.

And I listen.

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