A character has inherited a treasured possession from a close loved one.

Create a story around them trying to keep it safe, even if it's not an item they particularly like.


She awoke abruptly, torn from a dream. Her grandmother, who had been dead for over forty years, stood beside her great aunt, on the front porch of an old farm house, one that she did not recognize. They both wore lovingly used aprons atop flowered cotton dresses and had dancing smiles on their faces, like they had a secret that they could barely contain themselves from sharing. “We found it especially for you,” they whispered, giggling mischievously as only young girls and elderly women can do. As the image faded, the light of the early morning hour gently knocked on her eyelids. She threw the white sheets off her warm body and rolled out of bed, feeling a comforting sense of love.

A few hours later, she drove her black SUV down a gravel road, obediently following the directions of Tommy - the affectionate nickname that she had given her GPS. “Your destination is on the left.” A few seconds later, “Turn left. You have reached your destination,” he stated in a British accent. She pulled the car to the side of the road and put it in park. Sitting there, she stared in disbelief at the house, a house that she had just inherited from a great aunt whose existence was unknown up until a few weeks ago, a house that she had never seen before, a house that was identical to the one in her dream from that morning. A chill ran through her. She squinted her eyes, gazing upon the front porch and could just barely make out the ephemeral figures of two women. “We found it just for you.” The sentence echoed in her mind as she pulled the vehicle up the driveway into the beginning of her new tomorrow.

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