Submitted by an anonymous user
Write a short story based in an idealistic suburban neighbourhood.
Try and put a spin on the usual suburban trope.
The American Dream
Bright colored flowers line the edges of the perfectly manicured lawns. Each house a slightly altered version of the next, all coordinating in a pleasing, but bland way.
“Great neighborhood to raise a family!” the realtor ads boast, and desperate young couples flock to open houses trying to outbid the other.
Visions of children riding bikes and playing ball, block parties and BBQ’s filling their minds as they hand in their inflated offers.
Moving day comes and they carry in box after box of their belongings up through the wrap around porch, excitement mingling with exhaustion.
Finding the perfect spot for that table, children claiming their rooms.
Eating take out on paper plates standing around the kitchen island, because the moving van with the furniture won’t get there until the next day.
“First day in our new home, the first day of the rest of our lives.” they think, as they spend the night settling in to their new reality.
Saturday morning and the hum of lawns being mowed floats in through the open windows.
Dogs bark as they are walked down the street, owners giving each other a noncommittal wave.
This idyllic life, bought at such a high price.
Struggles and stress, overtime and debt. The bills a mountain of clutter on the gleaming granite counter.
Drowning for that white picket fence.
Living the American Dream.
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