I Ain’t The One

“I still don’t see why I have to do this!” I exclaim.

Oliver looks as me smugly, “You said ANY dare. Are you gonna chicken out?”

I sigh deeply, “Of course not. I never back out of a dare.”

“So then just get it over with already.” He shrugs.

We’ve been doing these dares for months now, even before we were dating we were giving each other dares. But recently these dares have been getting more and more risky. More and more illegal. This would probably be the most dangerous one yet.

I hesitate before pulling my black jacket hood over my face and walk into view of the camera. I lean against a wall and put my leg up. Trying to look nonchalant while cool at the same time.

Clearly I was failing since I can hear my boyfriend snickering in the corner.

A quick jingle of beeps sounds from my jacket pocket and I pull out the small burner phone, the callers name spelling ‘Red’.

“Hello?” I say, trying to make my voice sound a bit deeper.

A gruff voice replies, “Are you at the spot?”

I look around and nod, “Yes. I’m here. Where are you? I can’t stay here forever.”

The voice from the other side laughs, “How stupid do you think I am huh?”

“What?” I say.

Oliver peeks his head from around the wall and looks at me with confusion. I shake my head and motion for him to stay hidden. Something isn’t right.

“I mean. I already know your a woman to begin with, and I don’t deal from woman.” He starts, “And second, you’re just a highschool student trying to do something risky and fun. But let me tell you something. I ain’t the one.”

My palms grow sweaty underneath the phone and I rub my hands on my jeans. He knows. He knows I’m not a real drug dealer. God how can I be so stupid?! I should’ve told Oliver no to the dare while I still could.

I hold my breath, “You’ve mistaken me for someone else. Just come here and give me the money. I can’t be open like this.”

The voice laughs again, “A real dealer would know not to deal in front of a camera little girl.”

I glance up to the small camera near the corner, “I’ve deactivated. It’s not recording.”

“Hmmm interesting.” He says slowly, “Then why am I seeing you through the feed at this very moment?”

I pull my hood closer around my body. I suddenly feel very exposed and vulnerable. I know that Oliver is still around the corner, but still.

“You’re a liar. I’m only going to stay here for 30 more seconds before I leave.” I try to say without my voice shaking.

I hear a stifled yell from around the corner and some scuffing going on. I hope that it’s just some rats in the dumpster, or maybe a raccoon.

But then Oliver gets pushed into the open. I almost gasp at his appearance. He has a black eye and cuts on his left cheek. He’s cradling one of his wrist taht looks bent at an odd angle.

“Like I said little girl… I ain’t the one.” The voice says quietly.

A burly guy around his thirties step out from the corner holding a knife. He motions something behind me and then blinding pain explodes from the side of my head. As I fall to the floor I see another guy similar to the guy standing by Oliver.

The guys next to me picks up my burner phone and puts it on speaker. “What should I do with them boss?”

My heart drops to the floor at ‘Red’s’ reply, “Bring them to me.”

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