In the future, every human is genetically engineered to be useful to the world in some way.

Write about a character who despises what they were designed for.

Laughter For Death

We’re so advanced. We now all have a purpose. The meaning of life has been discovered. The meaning? To live! We all have a part to play so we all can live. We all must contribute. This is living. This is loving. My part? I’m the comic relief. I make everyone laugh. The problem. I’m not laughing. I don’t think my life is very funny. I feel like a punching bag. I cry. They laugh. I scream stop! They laugh harder. I’m being too sensitive. I need to get over it. This is who I am. This is my part to play. Don’t I care about the community? Don’t I want life to continue? I need to love everyone! We don’t have wars anymore. We don’t have diseases anymore. At least… not outside of me…. And I feel like I’m about to explode. Maybe killing didn’t start with a cry…. Maybe it started with a laugh.
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