You walk into your office one day to find your doppelgänger sitting at your desk, answering emails.
What happens from here?
Ms. Brown
I walked into work. It was a normal morning. I was waving to all my colleagues then walked to my desk. But I was already there. Umm... “Get out of my desk” I said. She turned around. I examine her features. Red hair,brown eyes,freckles. She even has the same brown dress on as me! I stare at her as she starts to smile an evil smile. I can sense evil. She walk towards me.
I don’t know why I don’t run. She strokes my cheek and says,”Cherri Brown, we don’t need you anymore.” “But I’m the VP of the company” I say. “No I am. My name is Vanessa Zachs, And I am the new and improved you!”
I call security but they stare right past me and at her. “Vanessa,what is it? We can’t have a problem with our VP no can we?” I want to scream! Now that’s why no one would reply to me this morning. I’m invisible. To everyone but “Ms.Zachs”
I run home but Vanessa is already there. She is watching a movie with my family.I run to the store. Vanessa is buying Corn flakes. Everywhere I go. She is there. I will never escape.