by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a story that could feature this image. It does not have to be a children's story, but think about how your writing can reflect this playful or sentimental scene.

The Burned-out Lantern

She ran into the streets, concrete scarring her bare feet. She didn't flinch, didn't stop. Her bloody feet would be healed soon, but not her broken heart. She ducked into a building, climbing up the wooden stairs. The sun was starting to rise, casting a faint glow of pink on the landscape. A black lantern beside her flickered out. Then she saw a fluff of gray behind the burned-out lantern. It was a cat. She put her hand out, and the cat licked it cautiously. The taste buds felt weird on her skin. She slowly petted the cat's head, going all the way down its body. She smiled. She then picked up the cat by its front limbs, holding it above her head. The cat hissed for a little, but then relaxed, looking down at her. She brought the cat to her chest. The cat put its front limbs on her shoulders, almost like a hug. She smiled, and she was pretty sure the cat was smiling too.

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