"I didn't realise she was going to tell me something so personal!"
Write a story with this as the opening line.
Normal, Who Wants What Her Name Offers
“I didn’t realize she was going to tell me something so personal!” I scramble back, away from the judgmental glares of my new peers. “I wouldn’t have asked if I’d known it was something like that!”
Hanna sniffs from behind Karl. “What—so you think having overly large breasts is a disease?! Just because yours are small?!”
What?! How did she get that idea? Also, what the hell did she just say?! “I just wanted to know why you always are raising your arms….”
Karl frowns at me, and I notice the looks on the crowds faces. My first day here and I’m already seen as a horrible person.
“My breasts are a curse, I know,” Hanna flicks her blond hair away from her face, tears cascade down her cheeks, “But you didn’t have to say it!”
“I—I—“ Oh GOD! Anyone! Help me! Please!
The crowd starts parting to my right, I hear the clicking of well done heels clack towards me. “Come on, Hanna, cut the new girl some slack.” A boy stops beside me, his long red hair brushed against his dark skin. He looks at me with a taunting look in his eyes. “You apologize, alright Normal?”
Anyone…but him….
**Exactly 6 Hours Earlier—**
I’ve finally convinced my parents to transfer me into a private school! It’s not exactly what my name should suggest—Normal—but at least I can embark on a journey with like minded students who want to grow for the better!
Not at all like my last school…a public one.
I shudder, thinking about the god-awful amount of times things had gone wrong over there. The girls were too preppy, the boys too stupid, and honestly the teachers didn’t even teach the subject correctly or pay any attention to what was going on. Those adults were in their own worlds.
The bus stops and I get out to walk face to face with tall, dark and pointed-topped gates. On the metal sign above, it says:
A rather mouthful of a name it is, but this is where my future finally starts! I can only go up from here!
There’s a boy waiting for me by the gate, almost as tall as it himself with a flop of…dark green hair and large glasses. But it wasn’t like they did anything, his eyes were hidden behind the bangs of his oddly colored hair.
_Alright_, I think to myself as I walk towards him with a fake smile on my face, _first weird thing, but that has to be all. Yeah, yeah. _
The boy sees me and stumbles over his feet to get to me. I close the gate behind me, it closes with a creaking shut. “You’re—uhm—Normal, right?”
I flash him a grin. “I would hope so!”
He stares at me, though I can’t really tell where he’s looking honestly. But either way, my joke has fallen short. I clear my throat. “Yeah, I’m Normal Masonatonite Cartersone, but you can just call me Normal M.C..”
He nods then extends a hand. I take it and find that it’s very, very sweaty. Yuck. “M-my name’s Boston,” then he says, rather excitedly, “I like cheese!”
I snatch my hand away, wiping it against my pants. “Alright…well, are you the guy who’s supposed to be giving me a tour of the place.”
Boston stops his smiling as though he just remembered that. “Uh-huh, follow me.” He turns to go to the large staircase leading to the even bigger doors of this school. Is it me, or is everything a bit too big around here?
Oh well. I stride after him, my walk more graceful than his as Boston continues over and over again to stumble and trip over invisible things. Seriously, what is wrong? His shoes are tied too!
No! Nothing will rob me of my normalcy! I will graduate from here after getting a good education, and I will survive!
But then Boston opens the doors to the academy, and my eyes are blinded by the absolute sight of the students.
“No…nonononono!! **NOOOOOOOO**!”
To Be Continued?
(Really though, I just wanted to make something silly after watching My Deer Friend Notokan(who is now my PFP) and yeah.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!)