Submitted by Lizzie Rose

Joy, Waste, Poison, Sky

Create a story that includes these words, in any order, and in keeping with the plot.

Relic- Part 5

Sarah Bearclaw strode to the door, a gun pressed into her back. She bit her tongue to keep her mouth shut.

She had so much to say. Why was this happening? What does he know about the Sphere of Fire she doesn’t? She is a archeologist after all! And why did that kind man have to die?

Sarah collided with the door, bruising her forehead and causing her nose to bleed.

“Are you as blind as you are annoying? The door was right there!” Zion snapped.

“Oh my lord, shut it will you— It’s hard to focus with a GUN pressed against my spine!”

Zion widened his eyes. “Those are some big words for a little woman.”

“DON’T EVEN START!!” Sarah growled, forgetting he had the gun. “This world thinks that men can just say this horrible thing to us like we don’t care— you can’t just say that! Not after killing a stranger and holding me at gunpoint! If you want me to shut up, then you should too!! Or else this kidnapping is about to get reversed.”

Zion looked taken aback. “Damn lady. Just walk out the door.” He pocketed the gun and pushed her out the door, huffing, not wanting to be quiet, but not wanting to see what Sarah meant.

“You’re… weird.” He finally mumbled. “Get in the car.” Grabbing her wrist, he threw her in the passenger seat of a red pickup.

She looked out the window, knowing where ever he was headed would not end well.


Yep, Sarah talks to him like she’s not held at gunpoint!! Kinda risky, but YES FOR STANDING UP FOR THE GIRLS 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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