Write about a treasured posession, and what it represents to your character and to the wider world.

Consider symbolism closely in this story, and how the item may mean one thing to your character but another to those around them.

Coming Home

It has been a long, cold, depressing couple of years. My hopes, dreams, and all I love all flew away in one day, but today is the day that all of that goes away with one call from a guard. I get to come home from jail.

I have had butterflies in my stomach all day. I get to have real food, sleep in my own bed, and see my family. It has been a long ten years, seeming like an eternity. My two daughters have grown up to be doing great things, my wife and I’s love will never be the same though.

Waiting is the hardest part yet of my long journey and now I’m waiting for the priceless moment of coming home.

I hear the sweet sound of victory coming from the officer, “ Time to come home, John.” I didn’t grab anything, I didn’t want anything from that place, it is only full of bad memories.

When I got to the receptionist's room, I was trying so hard not to cry, my eyes were getting teary. The beautiful sunshine was pouring in threw the windows. Once they handed me my stuff I stepped outside.

It was my first step of freedom. The smell of fresh air was amazing. The birds were singing in the trees. Everything was magnificent and beautiful. Everything was singing and dancing with me.

Everything was perfect in my eyes, nothing could ruin this moment. A heavyweight got lifted off my shoulder. Simply seeing a little fly buzz by made me overwhelmed and happy, it was a blessing.

I can’t wait until I get to hug my family for the first time in ten years. Everything got taken away from me, all the things I took for granted. Now everything is treasured and valuable to me.

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