Submitted by Chloe Flora

Midway through their quest and in the middle of the desert, your character (alone or with their party) comes across a baby seal…

Worth It All

It never really stops hurting does it

It’s especially hard when you have to keep fighting

When you want to be done with it all

But you have to keep fighting

It’s exhausting

And when you stop

Well now here’s the real you

And I don’t like the real me

I don’t like the fake me either

It never goes away

You’re never truly free

That pain and hurt

That feeling of fear and emptiness

It haunts you

It always hurts

It never leaves you

Until you finally return home

You’re with God

You’re in that promises place

Heaven welcomes you and you’re home

It’s perfect

And that pain

It leaves

You’re free

God sets you free

So keep fighting

Fight for God

It will be worth it in the end

And he will reward you for your fighting

And that reward lasts eternity

This pain only last 60 or so years

Eternity is a lot longer


And you will be freed

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