There's something peculiar about the new teacher at school this year, and your character decides to find out what it is.

Using first person perspective, explore suspicion and tension, considering the motives of the character you choose to write from.

Mr. Whats-His-Name

It's highly unlikely that he's an alien sent by the Mars government to spy on us. I’ve already scratched that one off the list ‘cause I’d totally know if there was an alien around me. He’s probably not a zombie either. Definitely not a superhero. After scratching nearly every possibility off the list, I’m starting to think that he’s just weird, unusual, peculiar. He’s not normal. He wears his glasses without the lenses, two different colored shoes, and he only eats carrots. Sometimes he’ll be in the middle of a lesson and just whip a carrot out of his pocket and start eating it. I’m not usually a judgmental person, but there are some things you just keep to yourself. Like, who clips their toenails in class, takes off their socks, and watches Star Wars on the big screen? It's not just me who thinks he's a bit odd. Everyone's talking about him. They're all like, "Hey, have you seen Mr. Whats-his-name? He's so weird. I don't even think he's a legit teacher." And I've had enough of it. So, I've decided to tell him straight up. I'll just walk up to him and ask, "What's up with you?" He looks and me like I’m crazy and replies, "Excuse me?" "Why do you act so weird?" "Aren't you supposed to be at lunch right now?" "Don't dodge the question." "If I may remind you, I'm the teacher here, and I can send you to detention faster than you can count to three. But since you asked nicely, I'll tell you. I'm not weird." "That's a lie. Why are you trying to act like you're not the weirdest teacher in the whole school? You wear long socks with short ones, you wear a fake mustache... You're just... different." "You know about my mustache?" I simply stare at him. "Alright, listen, kid... I'm just being myself. You know what I think? Every teacher in this school is pretending to be someone they're not. In a way, you should be grateful to me for showing you how to embrace your true self." "Really? So you're not some alien or anything?" "I wish. That would make me a lot cooler, right? I burst into laughter. "I guess so. Sorry for talking about your mustache.” He swiftly removes the mustache and winks at me. "Thought I had you fooled. You're quite clever."
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