Void Tails : CH 1

Chapter One: Festival

[Milo's point of view]

Fireworks cracked to life in the night sky. Basking the city in many different colors. Red, purple, yellow and white burst above. Cheers filled the air around the Fetherstone Park.

Stumbling through the narrow stone steps Milo couldn't take his eyes off the spectacular show. Tons of stairs sloped down between the favella houses. Focused on the spectacle he nearly tripped down a few cracked stairs. Blue exploding across the sky, neither moon in sight. Clear as day but black as night. 

It was hardly his first rodeo for the blast colors but of course It would never curve the enthusiasm of the whole thing. Many a furson stood at the small alleyways or sat on their porches. Yet none of this was planned. Milo's mother would have surely spoke of a grand fireworks show. 

Gravity Circuses were the usual culprit of this much attention. Bringing with them odd types and other outterworldly people. Sometimes some of the higher officials of the Owinal Republic came out to show themselves off.

This was no normal carnival or fair. For the first time since my birth, the Sky Games would be played here in Port Royal. Something that only happens every twenty years. Every three years it swaps between planets in the Horridel System.   

Tonight the unveiling begins. Fireworks boomed through the skies over the Park. Yet down in the lower district we would only get to see them accend to the midlevel district. 

All the daily events will be shown in the park on a huge screen. Everyone down here will be rooting for their favorite sport stars. 

Hoping down the last few steps to the market place Milo got a good look at the crowds. Hundreds of different size, shape, and colored tails swisher from side to side. Fur of all lengths. Even people of a scaled variety. Something most of us were hardly accustomed too.

It was bustling, fursones crowed the sidewalks and even stood motionless in the streets all looking above the towering buildings at the blooming colors. 

Of course Angel hadn't wanted to leave our small apartment. Seeing as he had some young lady tied to his waist I couldn't really blame him. "Boys will be boys" Mom always said. 

Stalking through the crowd, nearing the marketplace center. Port Royal fountain stood high above onlookers heads. Spewing water in streams that flickered in many colors over the old rusted looking ship monument. Our cities great hero standing resolute at its helm. 

"Milo hurry!" A familiar face shouted from a ways beside the fountain, next to a makeshift shelter. 

(Take time to focus on person calling to him)

Merchants brought goods from many different planets out to our ports. Of course none of the locals could afford such rare items. But we always enjoyed marveling over such things. 

Crossing the side of the fountain, ducking past one of the few Port Royal police officers he'd been introduced to by mom. Thankful she'd been focused on a young feline couple asking for directions. 

Finially he made it to where Katlyn shouted out. Except as he stood looking and sniffing around she was gone. "Ughhh" Milo huffed, scanning the crowd for his bright blue haired counterpart. 

"Milo in here. Look what this guys selling"

Slipping in through the rough burlap curtain, gazing upon the item Katlyn pointed her outstretched claw at. Of course it wasn't the newest addition rocket board, but it couldn't be more then a few years old. If even that, only a single blemish streched the length of the board. A crack that could have broke the board in half.

"Good eye there. Great piece." The shifty feline merchant hissed. "Want to hear the story of how it got that scratch?"

"Why not " Milo shrugged moving closer to a wide eyed smiling Katlyn. 

Katlyn had been a close friend since the beginning of middle school. When instead of straight pearly white teeth and bluish fur, she'd had braces and no dye. 

Now her large oval ocean blue irises, matched her bright aquamarine hair. Along with the tips of her ears, and end of her fluffy dog like tail. Her sheltered phase would be over. Boys alike are going to flock to her this year.

"It was a stormy night out in the Xea system. Planet Corson, I believe " The feline merchants eyes started to glow yellow in the dim lights. " Beautiful planet, but this storm was brutal. I was part of a team, hunting for Captain Black. Meanest most deadly pirate of this side of the galaxies. It was his board"

"Captain black used a rocket board?"

"It was always on his back as he traveled away from the Stargallion" The salesman crossed the room pulling off a few books and tossing them to the nearby table. "Captain Black took no prisoners and took all the things he wanted. Nobody stood in his way except us" 

"Come on Scraft. You can't honestly think these two level headed kids will believe that old tale?"  A female voice called with a huff from the doorway.

The soft yet harsh voice was familiar, but we both hung to the counter waiting for the rest of his tale. Ignoring the soft brown eyes that hung in the doorway. 

"Scraft Sir. We want to hear more" 

"Alrighty then." The feline fumbled around for a second in his hood as if reaching for something. "We found him far away from the Stargallion. Amongst the black clouds and lightning, above the pouring rain." 

"What's the stargallion?"

"This boy doesn't know what the stargallion is?" His yellow eyes peaked away behind us with a glint. "Only the fastest,most incredible, pirate war ship in the galaxies"


"Fitted with plasma cannons that could rip a hole in any sort of metal. Its helm was said to have been built out of the void itself"

"What happened next?" Katlyn cooed.

"We went after the ruffian of course. Only a handful of cloud speeders. Zipping in and out flashes that lit up the skies" Tossing his arms up he slammed them to the countertop. "Till he zagged when he should have zipped. Rolling on the board he just missed getting struck point blank by one of the flashes. This board here took the blunt of the damage.."

"An old Captain Black was gone for good" The familiar female voice spoke again and I whipped around. "Lost to the clouds and a perminate part of the void"

"Mom?" I questioned, getting a good look at her blue and black police uniform. 

"Old Captain black could hardly handle the winds, let alone the strikes of lightning." She spoke proudly, a smile on her face as she ruffled my hair. 

"Wait you know that story?" Katlyn had turned, leaning on the counter with her tail and back. 

"She was there. This board we found miles away, tucked against a rocky outcroft, hiding from the ruff surf" The feline continued, brushing it off with an old cloth. 

"Can I have it??" I chimed in and the old feline started to laugh.

"Do you know what this goes for boy? The last item of Captain Black..."

"No...." I mumbled and mom nudged me toward the door, signaling Katlyn to follow behind us.

"Much to expensive for our tastes" Mom grumbled as we stepped back out on the loud market street. 

Merchants had already started to take over the square. With the fireworks over, it had quieted down. Giving them the opportunity to call out their wares. 

"I didn't know you were a cool spy" Katlyn giggled as we all brushed past people in the crowded streets. 

"It was a much younger me. At a time when Captain Black was wanted for killing a handful of men and escaping prison. But you two don't need to know any more of our tales." Mom gave us a wide grin as she sent us back toward the favillas we called home. " Go find your brother and tell him you both need to eat. School starts tomorrow. You wouldn't want to be to bed without dinner" 

"Alright mom. What about you?" 

"I'll grab something at the station. If these crowds don't start to die down soon, I'll be out here all night"

"Well be safe Mrs. Prints" Katlyn waved as mother got swallowed up by the crowd. 

"Ughhhh. Do we really have to deal with Angel and whatever girl he's got back at your place??" I couldn't help but laugh at her attitude as we climbed the narrow steps. 

Heading away from the market district and up into the small shack like houses most folk lived in. Small street lights flickered as we climbed the main pathway. Passing other fursons who waved or just ignored us entirely.

"So just gonna ignore me then?" Katlyn protested.

"I can hardly control what Angel does. Mom can't even stop him"

"Maybe that's the problem. He thinks he can just do whatever he wants"

"Probably" I shrugged, already used to his normal antics. 

"Its disgusting and heartless. Having so many girls come by on a daily basis" Katlyn huffed, nearly missing a step in her upset state.

"Is that Miss Katlyn wishing she was old enough to be one of my girls?" Angel hung off the roof of our little hut, a giggling fox girl wrapped around his shirtless torso.

Once again he'd caught Katlyn speaking of him. Which only made her turn a bright red. Hardly a good color with her love of blue. She'd bash him, but even Mom knew of her crush on Angel. Ogling him at all times was a dead give away.

"Mom says get me food" I interrupted, hoping to spare my friend further embarasement, or fill my brothers ego anymore.

"Well you just came up from the markets. Why didn't she just buy you something?" I just shrugged to his question as he playfully waved at Katlyn who'd probably been staring at his chest.

First rule of being my brother Angel, never wear a shirt when you can show off four rows of deep muscle. Second rule, always be a bum. Rule three, never listen to the rules. 

Milo didn't hate him for being "gorgeous" as most of the girls around us spoke of him. Mostly he just wondered why it had totally skipped him. Of course yellow fur markings didn't help, but that was besides the point.

"Awww go feed your hungry brother. I'll wait for you at the marking rock." The fox girl gave us a wave as she hoped down just before their lips met. "You can have your kisses once you come see me" 

With that the girl bounced away. Up towards the highest homes. Far away from where Milo and Katlyn had ever gone. Mom made it clear, the plains on the other side of the mountain; and the rich districts up past the station were off limits.

"You got a bit of drool right there" Angel rubbed his finger across the side of Katlyns face then started laughing hysterically. 

"Your terrible" She shouted, stomping off down the path. 

"Yet you always fall for it" Angel called after her. "Feisty little pup huh" Brother chuckled to himself.

"I'm not a pup!" 

"How'd she even hear that?" He whispered as we followed her down, his eyes begging Milo for a explanation.

"Must you start with her" he hissed, running a hand across the stone siding of a hut we passed.

"All in good fun"

"For you maybe" Milo snapped, unsure of why he'd gotten so anxious all of a sudden.

"Does it bother you that much?" His eyes widened for a split second it felt as if he actually gave a crap.

"Just stop pestering her about it. Not like its such a surprise."

"You gotta stop whining and being in your feelings. Maybe that's why she likes me" Angels words were as harsh as ever, brotherly moment of understanding..... Totally gone.

"What's got his tongue??" Katlyn asked once we reached a small sandwich shop at the foot of the favilla. 

"Not a single thing" He laughed stepping in past her.

Of course Milo didn't even look at her. Just shuffled past her, behind him. Taking in the small corner store.

One group of shelves, a counter that crossed the whole floor. Where they fixed the sandwiches. A few sat ready for pick up. And the group of a handful of booths. Which Angel rushed towards an open one. 

"Cold shoulder it is then" She mumbled just loud enough for him to catch as they passed.

"So what do you two want?" Angel grumbled sliding into a nearby booth. 

"Nothing" Milo mumbled low enough to get a sideways glance from Angel.

"Your eating. That's final." He scoffed, clearly annoyed. "Didn't waste the rest of my night so you could just not eat" 

"I'll just go home" Katlyn said, running her hand through her hair.

"No just have fun guys. I'll go find something else to do" Without another word he was off the soft red cushion, sprinting out the door. 

Huffing and puffing ,rushing up the favilla. Jumping clear over cracked steps or crumbled ones. Nearly face planting a handful of times. Running away from everything was just better then sitting and being slapped in the face and teased. 

Out of breath when reaching the top. It was like nothing ever witnessed. Tall mountain height tree's, long since banished to make room for homes sat unscathed. Then as far as the eye could see, another range of mountains in the distance. Far beyond the lush amazing forest. 

Only shown due to bright lights at the foot of its hills. Like nothing anyone could have drempt up, not in their wildest dreams. 

Then it came.  An ear splitting blast, rocking the footing straight out from under him. A rock caught his fall, well  paws gripped it just in time. 

Skyword a bright object entered our atmosphere. A fiery ball of smoke. Falling to fast to even have a chance at stopping it. 

Sirens filled the air. Warning all of the imminent threat. Something was coming.

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