"All I have is £5."

Write a story that includes this piece of speech. Change the currency if the setting is a different country.

Museum Meeting

One day Jane was walking around London taking in it’s many pleasures.

It was a beautiful June day. A museum was Jane’s primary goal on this day. Her preferred paintings were the Pre-Raphaelite paintings in the Tate Britain. Thankfully there were benches to sit and admire each painting. Proserpine by Dante Gabriel Rossetti being her favorite.

The security guards knew Jane well. She would stop and talk to each every time she was there. She knew their names and asked after their health.

Afterwards she would go into the shop and look around. She wanted to buy everything on Pre-Raphaelites but couldn’t afford it.

She could not help but nice a very nice looking young man at the cash register. It appeared he was having some trouble.

He need to get change for the parking meter. For some reason the shop was short on pounds. He then started asking customers. When he got to Jane she told him that all he had was £5.

They smiled at each other. He introduced himself as James. He asked if she would take tea with him. She was surprised. She asked where. He asked for her suggestion. She said how about right here in the gallery’s tea room.

As they went to tea room, she asked him what about his meter. He said he wasn’t worried about it anymore.

Once at a table they talked our their mutual love of British art, music and other assorted subjects. Their conversation flowed.

After he asked if he could drop her home. She told him she wasn’t going home. She was meeting a girlfriend for dinner nearby.

He asked for her cell number and they made plans to see each other the next day.

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