Write a free verse poem from the voice of someone who feels resentful.

Free verse poetry does not have a structured rhyme scheme, can have lines of irregular length, and does not have to keep to a regular meter.

Hate Or Longing?

These feelings I feel

Towards the one who is you,

They are all of hatred,

And I want you to know,

I truly mean every

Cruel word

I say.

In my eyes,

You are no human…


You’re a sickeningly hideous

Devil-like creature.

I despise you with a


So strong that it’s

Unheard of.

To put it simply,

I wish you would just


From my life.

I hate you ever so much,

For after all the shit you

Put me through,

Did you really think I wouldn’t

Resent you?

You sicken me to my very core,

I hate you all day,

Every day,

Please just stay the hell away

From me.

You and I,

We used to be friends,

Until your talents flourished,

And you left me in the dust.

You left me for dead,

My heart broke into

A hundred thousand

Tiny shards.

I guess you could make the

Assumption that

My resent spurs from

The underlying longing

I feel for you.

Though it’s too late,

Can’t turn back time,

Guess I’ll never know

What it would be like

For you to be mine…


You sickening beast.

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