Prompt submitted by Faust
After your family died, you adopted a cat to help you deal with your grief. You tell them all of your troubles and problems. One day, the cat talks back.
Using the prompt as inspiration write a story based on it
An Unusual Companion
Callie had always been there for me. After mom and dad got in that wreck, I didn’t have anyone left. I was alone, and scared about what was going to happen next. I thought it was all over. Then Callie showed up at my door.
She’s a very fluffy calico cat. Black, white, and a golden orange color spot her fur. She’s very elegant, and very playful. And.......she listens. I know, that sounds crazy, but I’m telling the truth. She actually listens when I wanna tell her about my problems. It’s weird, actually. I always feel better after I talk to her, like when I’d talk to my mom.
Every time I’ve had a hard day, I talk to Callie, and today’s been especially rough. This awful woman from work, my boss herself, has docked my pay once again. Her reason was that ‘I didn’t wear the right kind of shoes’, even though she recommended this exact brand. She knew I was struggling to pay rent after last time. Then again, Patricia’s never cared about me.
So, it’s another day to talk to Callie. “I’m home, Callie.” I look around for her, but I can’t find her. Then, I look at the window, and there she is. Waiting patiently, as if knowing I needed to talk. “Hey, Callie. You remember Patricia, right?” I got a very angry sounding ‘Mrow’ after I asked.
“Yeah, I definitely understand. So, she docked me again.” Callie’s eyes widened at the news, and hissed. “You don’t think I was on my knees begging her not to? I tried everything. I guess we’ll be taking up Maggie’s offer to stay at the homeless center.” Callie growled at the thought. “I know, you don’t like the dog at the center, but it’s the only place we can head to after this. I don’t exactly have any friends.”
And then, something shocking happened. Callie opened her mouth, and not a hiss or meow came out, but words. “You have me, Angela.” I swear, I just stared at her with my mouth open for half an hour.
“Y-YOU SPOKE!” I tried to get a grip of what was going on.
“Indeed I did, Angela. I thought it’d be about time you knew. My name is Calypso. I am your guardian angel.” She leapt to the couch. “Come, take a seat.” She awaited me, almost glowing in beauty.
So, I did. I mean, what choice do I have? “Angela, my dear, we mustn’t go to the homeless center. If we leave now, no good shall to us.”
“Well, what now then? I’m not going to be able to make rent. Not as long as Patricia can help it.”
“Trust in me, Angela. Quit your job under Patricia. Apply for a caretaker at the homeless center. Act unto those less fortunate, and well tidings shall fall upon thee.” So, I nodded. I knew that Callie, or well, Calypso would never lie to me. Not after all we’ve been through.