Callie had always been there for me. After mom and dad got in that wreck, I didn’t have anyone left. I was alone, and scared about what was going to happen next. I thought it was all over. Then Callie showed up at my door.
She’s a very fluffy calico cat. Black, white, and a golden orange color spot her fur. She’s very elegant, and very playful. And.......she listens. I know, that sound...
Today was the day I meet them. My Soulmates. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking. ‘Everyone only has one Soulmate.’ Aren’t those such pretty names?
Oh! I completely forgot to introduce myself! Hi, my name’s Michael! Here I am, at the Matching Office in California. I’m just sitting there in front of the woman who just matched me up with the other two in the waiting room. I’m so nervo...