The main character passes a note to another character.
Write a story based on this action.
Tick one box
“So are you in?” He asked the confused kid sitting across from him. “Ummm... I don’t know what you mean”, the boy stated worriedly.
“Read the note, tick one box and then you’ll find out”, the muscular middle-aged man commanded.
The scared little boy opened the note, whilst taking small glances toward the bulky man sat across from him. With every glance over at him he got very agitated and started to shift in his seat whilst reading the note. The young boy started to get very uncomfortable and scared that he was trying to plan a way to run away from the man. But as he lifted his head up slightly he realised that he was trapped. There was no where he could run that the athletic man wouldn’t be able to catch up to him within seconds.
The skinny boy started to panic, he wasn’t the kind of boy that wanted to do things like this. He was only ten years old. Why did the strong man have to ask him, a scrawny kid that probably didn’t have any idea how to look after a hamster never mind a FLIPPING GUN!
The fragile kid didn’t know what to do: should he agree with the man and do what he says to avoid being hurt. Or try and get away from the man and stay away from trouble and risk getting hurt. He thought either way he could get hurt. He was only a young kid, why did he have to go through this. Why couldn’t he be a normal child and live his life without worrying about getting hurt.
Whilst all of these terrifying and confusing thoughts rushed through the nervous kid’s mind, the man had already grabbed him and taken him away from any crowded areas. The boy couldn’t help but think that he was going to be killed. So he began to try and fight back, by pulling away from the powerful man and punching him with his only free hand.
As much power as the weak kid could put into his punches it was no where near enough power to stop the huge, towering man. What was he going to do?