Eden in Hell

The sound of my boots striking the dry dirt beneath me was sullen, especially with the absence of wildlife, the trees and their grey trunks pathing a path of sorrow. As I hauled myself on, I would take many turns, including this one to come, though it's outcome was different, instead of a row of bleak trees, there I saw an open expanse, vegetation spread across the landscape, and directly in my path? Three wolves. Three skinny wolves, too. Whatever happened this winter has hurt them too, even in their safe haven. I took a step as i took in the sight, till i realised the implications of three skinny wolves; These were three hungry wolves. As I stood there in silence, the pack leader approached, and so did death. My scream of absolute terror was deafening, but only to my ears. My mouth had never opened! No matter how hard I tried, I could not scream, just stand, petrified in my boots. The leaders slow pacing, the tap of their paws on the ground, the wind swirling round their long tail, it was mesmerising. After so long without contact, I didn't entirely mind this encounter, may it be my last. My heart pulsed and throbbed, it's sudden speed a catalyst to reaction, jolting me to my senses, and I reached out a lone hand, the fear evident by my tremors shooting up my arm, but after an immense amount of effort- they stopped, and I was left, petrified meters away from the wolf.

To my surprise, some rather peculiar events happened, and to me of all people. The wolf got closer, judging me, my rigid pose analysed by six beady eyes, the two of the leader glistening in the night, the moon marking two white circles, painting a serene image. As it approached, I was forced to stand my ground as it judged, it's maw centimeters from my thighs, but instead of striking, instead of stealing my life for themselves and the others, it sat down. I passed the test. I cautiously reached down, my hand meeting it's head as I slowly pet the wolf, though not accepting of my fate. As I turned to leave, the others did too, although not away from me, but with me. I took a single step, and the leader was at my side, my new friends accompanying me in the search for food. I cannot escape this fate, I never will, and now we leave, searching for a heaven in this bleak world. Like Eden in hell.

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