Day 29 I have a box, it's closed and cannot be opened. Made of wood, but is too heavy to be empty. Shaking it yields nothing, but turning it results in it trying to turn more, after I stopped. I shall experiment more, this box confuses me for now.
Day 30 Today the box was different, two metal rods stuck out the side of the box, for electrolysis, maybe. And sure enough, connecting them to a circuit resulted in energy passing through, but it began to burn the wood. Shaking the box again results in me feeling a range of motions, but any more vigorous caused them to go away, whatever happened was not electrolysis, I recon the container was just failing.
Day 31 That's it, I've had enough, I'm getting a hammer and opening the box, I can't stand this anymore.
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36 I have a box, it seems several people have before me, and all had a week to open it... It appears whomever bought me here left the last pages in, and that is reassuring. The box must have a liquid in, or a gas, but I do not know what.
Day 37 The lights are out, but that man's electrolysis set is here, and after looking for a torch, I found a magnet, I think. It's a bit sticky too, but it will suffice.
'Day 37.5 Note: I attempted to perform the experiment without killing myself, and I think the magnet is sticking to the box, but I can't see it. This must be some sick game... '
Day 38 I found out what it is, I hope. I found a book on the other side of this room, and am gonna write my answer. Wish me luck
Day 39
Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43 I have a box...
Utopia, the city of dreams, where people go to thrive in an economy larger than any planet dreams to be. Utopia, the city of hope, a beacon in the dark where all the great people are, all the great people to save all nations. Utopia, the city of the future, flying cars, flying expectations, and flying skylines.
Dystopia, the city below, beneath the facade, the people weep, new, and unwelcome. Dystopia, the city of pain, violence, crime riddling the streets. Dystopia, the city of slums, great glorious buildings fronts for small, decrepit rooms, families of four dying in poverty.
Euphoria, the feeling of the city, the radiating smell, the taste of the air, the everything, everywhere. Euphoria, the feeling of the people, smiles on their faces, big grins between one another, joy for everyone. Euphoria, the feeling of progress, the state of everything that goes on, great machines pulling everything forwards.
Dysphoria, the feeling of me, the horror at what I've created. Dysphoria, the feeling of the world, the hate of the city, it's lies in the metal it's made of. Dysphoria, the feeling of it all, the truth of the people, the truth of emotion.
He laugh as our hands tighten on his, his laugh as false as the walls around us. A dream? No, too real. Reality? Too fake, too supernatural. An in between, where things aren't as they seem. We walk, he laughs, till someone falls.
A scream in the distance, we see something fall, and slow. Two figures reach out to catch the floating stone statue, inanimate as all the others. And then they join it. Heart wrenching- in the middle; who knows what the consequence of falling was- I almost want to find out, but that's no fate- the three of us, the doors on the other side of an abyss, our destination. We will walk till we cannot, then we'll walk again.
That moment, the bailiff burst into the court, the deafening roar of this man's voice humorous, as you could barely see his head over the stands. "Your honour! The defence was murdered!" That's in- my chance to clear myself of these allegations. A fatal mistake of the prosecution, but makes sense- someone cannot come on time if they are dead.
"Christ a- Bailiff, ring up forensics along with the police! Be quick! And you- you'd better get lucky with your next attorney- The defendants case will be put on hold. Court dismissed.
I spring to my feet, my shackles ringing out in the silence, but I make no noise, just a stunned silence. One more day to make this right. A fallen angels return to heaven- and I will make it. With my standing- I shock the court info action. I'm swiftly restrained and pulled out of the court room- behind me a mess of confusion and hatred.
Collapsing into a hard wooden seat, I search around for a single person, an unbiased perspective to hear my story. Lost time that happened- they twisted the story- and lied to the court. Claimed to be a witness- I'm lucky I made it out alive- that last case was close... My thoughts spanned over a very- very long time- by the time I noticed, it was dark outside. The current period had been after lunch! How could it have be-
A sudden knock on the door cut me off- quickly swinging open to reveal a powerful figure, wearing a pristine suit and cravat- a smile barely visible on his pursed lips behind a gold mask- that of an Obol- I hope this won't come back to bite me.
"My name," said the figure. "Is Saint Yuri Xan, and I'll be your new defence attorney." My heart fluttered, my soul reaching out of these tight bonds, embracing my saviour, and I sigh, fawning over this gift from God. "Oh thank you! God bless my weary soul!"
My hands reaching towards the masked man, he takes a seat at my side, turning to shine golden beams at me as he looks me up and down. "So... What's your case, young man?" "P- Please! I didn't do it! I wasn't even there at the time! I couldn't have killed them! Not one of them!"
The masked figure reached a smooth, yet old hand towards me, placing it on my face. The contact was shocking, and rippled through my soul, the look on my face an underestimation of my wonder in that moment. With that, I grew calm, content, and one with myself. Looking deep into his eyes, I bow gently, smiling
"Now, my boy, be calm... What happened"
With that, I slowly retold my tale, as best I could, and he nods, taking my hand gently, and tugging me to my feet, unbuckling my shackles, and leading me to the door. " It's time- Don't worry, I'll save you."
The courtroom was silent as I took my seat, smiling as the Saint takes his place on the Defence stand. "Is the Defence ready?" "Yes your honour." "Is the Prosecution ready?" "Yes your honour."
I watch in shock as the man plays a magic onto the courtroom, pointing out to the Jury with his words. I ended up myself believing what he was saying- for it was all true! I couldn't believe how he connected the dots in such a way... I loved it. Only minutes later, the sentence was given-
Not Guilty.
The man swiftly leaves the room, and I turn to watch, but... I don't see him. Opening my mouth in shock, something falls out of it- a coin- an Obol.
The sound of my boots striking the dry dirt beneath me was sullen, especially with the absence of wildlife, the trees and their grey trunks pathing a path of sorrow. As I hauled myself on, I would take many turns, including this one to come, though it's outcome was different, instead of a row of bleak trees, there I saw an open expanse, vegetation spread across the landscape, and directly in my path? Three wolves. Three skinny wolves, too. Whatever happened this winter has hurt them too, even in their safe haven. I took a step as i took in the sight, till i realised the implications of three skinny wolves; These were three hungry wolves. As I stood there in silence, the pack leader approached, and so did death. My scream of absolute terror was deafening, but only to my ears. My mouth had never opened! No matter how hard I tried, I could not scream, just stand, petrified in my boots. The leaders slow pacing, the tap of their paws on the ground, the wind swirling round their long tail, it was mesmerising. After so long without contact, I didn't entirely mind this encounter, may it be my last. My heart pulsed and throbbed, it's sudden speed a catalyst to reaction, jolting me to my senses, and I reached out a lone hand, the fear evident by my tremors shooting up my arm, but after an immense amount of effort- they stopped, and I was left, petrified meters away from the wolf. To my surprise, some rather peculiar events happened, and to me of all people. The wolf got closer, judging me, my rigid pose analysed by six beady eyes, the two of the leader glistening in the night, the moon marking two white circles, painting a serene image. As it approached, I was forced to stand my ground as it judged, it's maw centimeters from my thighs, but instead of striking, instead of stealing my life for themselves and the others, it sat down. I passed the test. I cautiously reached down, my hand meeting it's head as I slowly pet the wolf, though not accepting of my fate. As I turned to leave, the others did too, although not away from me, but with me. I took a single step, and the leader was at my side, my new friends accompanying me in the search for food. I cannot escape this fate, I never will, and now we leave, searching for a heaven in this bleak world. Like Eden in hell.
Here comes the bride Is what they say But what about the groom? He'll be here all day
Strolling down the isle With two silk smooth tails This poor fox will wait When all else fails
It is not quite his day In the dressing room Tearing through his dress he sighs He felt not worthy of the groom
Before too long the bells should chime Signalling the start of the night For the groom, in many torn dress he wore His despair and intent almost starting a fight
Walking up the isle he fell Right into the groom's arms Now it's clear the love they felt To the people in the crowd
The anger that they felt was warm And felt within the next estate A raging fire of stone be born And pummel the two irate
As the couple ran away A a torn dress in their wake They'd kiss once, then hollar goodbye And hide from a world of hate