Write a short horror/thriller story where the characters all react to things in reasonable and sensible ways.
If you're tired of characters doing stupid things in horror films, create some scenes where they act like real people!
Huntington Farm House Pt.2
Me and my partner walked up to the farm house and Clyde ran into the door trying to mock it down.
He span around in dizziness “I don’t think that was a good idea,” then he fell on his face.
I chuckled but walked towards the door and started jiggling the door handle, “ maybe not Clyde.” I pried the door open “Ah ha,”
Clyde jumped back up, “Em… you sure we should go in there,” he pointed into the door way and stared into the dark house, “looks eery” he stood peering in behind my shoulder.
“Clyde we went over this on the walk here, it’s our job. Now come on,” I stepped in and took out my book to access the situation. Clyde walked in shivering with fear.
“Maybe I should just go,” he ran for the door but it slammed shut with a BANG!He jumped and hung onto me, “I told you this was a bad idea.”
“Clyde! Pull yourself together this is a week old crime scene, the murderer is long gone and the body has been removed and taken to the forensics team. We are just here to find any other evidence of a murder weapon or other links to the murderer.” I kicked him off my leg.
“You’re Right, you’re right,” he stood up and straightened his coat. “Let’s do this.”
“Nice to have you back Clyde,” we walked down the hall into the kitchen. There was blood on the skirting boards, squinted paintings and hanging lights. In the kitchen nothing looked too out of place except for the plant pot that was smashes on the floor and had a bit of splattered blood on it.
“Blunt object, blood and out of place, it’s a possible murder weapon. Pass me a bag,” Clyde slipped on plastic gloves and lifted it into a plastic bags.
I was really confused Clyde seemed unfazed by the blood and didn’t seem jumpy at all. Two minutes ago he was clutching to me like a child. He was acting fairly reasonable considering he is an over thinker. He took out his Walkie-Talkie and turned it on “This is Clyde Watson and Katherine Jackson on the Huntington Farm House case. We have some evidence of a murder weapon and we will bringing it in shortly to be tested, over and out.”
We walked through the rest of the house, it was pretty dull, the murder must have been taken out in the kitchen.
We left the house with the evidence we gathered it was up to our forensics team now, we would be called back in if necessary.
We walked to the car it was quiet, Clyde didn’t say much.
“You okay Clyde,” I placed my hand on his shoulder.
“On the inside im panicking, I’m shaking in my boots, I’m pretty sure my heart is racing and I’m pretty sure my chances of fainting is getting higher as the seconds go on. But I’m trying to stay calm, I’m trying to keep it together because this is my job!” He yelled, “Nope. Pretty sure I’m still going to faint.” He speech started to slow down, “yep…here I…go.” He dropped and I dived catching him.
“This really isn’t the right line of work for you Clyde,” I laughed to myself and dragged him back to the car.