You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
“I’m just an ordinary girl, ordinary girl in a world full of super powers. Nahhhhh, this isn’t that kind of story, I’m the chosen one! Nothing ordinary about me, I’m punctual, smart, pretty and powerful! Ain’t nothing’s gonna stop me from fulfilling my destiny! My family has been protecting roseshot valley since before time, which means it’s not stopping at me. Got it! I’ve been practicing my skills, doing my part, staying at the top of my game! The whole town loves me!”
“Good morning Mia”
“see! I’m gonna be the best chosen one The Valley has ever seen! I’ve been working my butt off to make sure I’m the best! And I am!” Mia opens the door and jumps giddily into school. “I’ll talk to y’all later, the chosen one still has to go to school,” she winks “byeeeee!”
After school she trots home happy as ever, when she gets home she’s greeted with a solemn look from her parents, she continues on completely oblivious to their melancholy faces, “Heyyyy! School was great no need to ask, all A’s, the chosen one is on fire!!” She eventually comes to, and sees the sad looks in their faces. “Hey, what is it, did Charles get out again, don’t worry I can go get him back!”
“No, em, Mia, we know you are, well excited, to be the chosen one…” her dad began but was cut off.
“Sure am!! I’m going to be the best one in The Valley!”
“Mia, sweetheart,” her mum cut in, “you aren’t the chosen one.”
“Not the chosen one! Ha! That’s a good one, almost had me there.” She shakes her head and starts walking upstairs, not hearing either of them laughing, she realised. “Wait! You’re being serious!” She jumps down the stairs.
“Sorry sweetheart, but your cousin is the chosen one.” Her dad looks down at his feet as her cousin bursts through the door.
“Hey little cousin! I am, so, so, so, so, sorry that you aren’t the chosen one. Maybe… you could be a sidekick?” She chuckles, “just came to drop in to give my, condolences, hopefully you aren’t too sad, you know it’s probably not even that fun being the chosen one.” She smirks and leaves, you can hear cheers as she leaves the house.
Mia starts muttering to her self then bursts “SHE GETS TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE!” Then breaks down, “I work my butt off doing everything!! And she gets it! She always gets everything! No matter how hard I work she always wins!” She steams.
“Well maybe it’s for the best, you know being the chosen one is a lot of work.” Her dad sighed. “Sorry Mia, its just how it is. You’re just ordinary, like your mum, but that’s okay, he pats her on the shoulder.
“No?” Her mum is confused.
“Nope. Nuh uh! Not taking it. I’ve worked too hard to get a “good job but you didn’t quite make the cut.” No, I’m going to the elders, to figure out WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!” She storms out. “I’m not ordinary.”
“If I need “help”, then you’re coming with me.” His eyes flared in the reflection of the mirror. “So basically you are going to drag me down with you.” She glared at him annoyed. “Exactly! Now you are getting it.” He smirked, his eyes began to glow. Her eyes glowed a similar colour, “We are connected, I think you forget that, my dark past is also your dark past.” “The one difference is, I tried to change. Your methods are complete nonsense. Your theory is utter insanity and you, you are a monster.” “Oh, take a look at yourself, we are both monsters.” She stares into the mirror, staring back is a girl she once knew, power hungry, the red glow of her eyes was a reminder of that. “Not anymore, I’ve changed, you are the same scared, broken boy you always were.” “I AM…!” He paused and took a breath “I am not broken.” He turned to the girl and outstretched his fingers, using his power to fling the girl into the wall, making her drop onto the floor. “If you are going to turn me in for everything I’ve done, then you will be going down with me, and I’ll make sure of it.” His fingers started to turn an ash black. She tilted her head up, her vision going in and out, “you need help…” she whispered. “I need what!” He exploded. “HELP! You need help. You know what! You are broken, damaged, scared! I can hear it in your voice!” She rose up off of the ground. “We have both done terrible things in our life, but we can change, I’ve already started. Now it’s time for you. Let go of the past. Please…” He chuckled and knocked her back against the wall, “honestly I thought you were smarter than this, stronger too, I guess I was wrong.” He started walking away, “You’ve changed, really, you’re getting weaker and weaker, even your glow isn’t as bright as it was.” He rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards the door. “It’s laughable honestly, to see how you have crumbled.” Her hands start to glow a yellowish colour and her eyes that were once red are now this same colour. She raises her hand and rises to her feet. The boy feels himself being dragged back into the room, he turns to see what’s going on. “W-what happened.” “You’re right, I have changed, but you are wrong about the weaker part. If anything, I’m stronger.” She pulls him back a bit, “Stronger than my past.” She pulls him back more, “Stronger than I was before.” She pulls him back more, “Stronger than my fears.” She pulls him back and turns him around so they are face to face, “and stronger than you.”
Burn this letter after reading, its not a request it’s an instruction. Failure to complete said instructions, will result in ultimate obliteration.
If you do not read this letter, it will result in ultimate obliteration. Failure to complete all instructions and tasks contained in said letter, will result in ultimate obliteration.
Dear Evelyn Elmbridge,
You are required to attend the tri-quantum games. It is in your best interest to follow the requirements given in this letter.
You must tell no one. You must be on time for the train, tomorrow morning, 2 AM, town square, sharp. The failure to make this train on time, will result in ultimate obliteration.
You are not required to pack, as, all outside weapons are, prohibited. Outside food is, prohibited. Pets or animals of any kind are, prohibited. You are provided with clothes, as outside clothes are, prohibited. As for the train tomorrow, you will be provided with a black skin suit, if you arrive in anything else, it will result in ultimate obliteration.
As you may be aware, the Tri-Quantum games, is a survival challenge against the three factions. As you may also be aware the games are a partnership, on the train tomorrow you will meet your male counterpart, you will both take part in the games together. We hope that, that isn’t too much of a hassle for you. The Tri-Quantum games are taken very seriously, you must fight to live. Protect your team mate at all costs. It’s in your best interest to find out as much as you can about the 4 other people you are against.
Any questions you may have will be answered on the train. Once again do not miss the train, failure to make your train, will result in ultimate obliteration. We advise getting some sleep tonight, it’s going to be a long 7 weeks. Get some rest. We look forward to your arrival.
Once again, failure to complete any guidelines and rules that were outlined in this letter, will result in ultimate obliteration. Thank you.
Sincerely, S.M.
Evelyn took a breath and burnt the letter. She collected the box containing her black skin suit, taking the letters advice she went to bed.
“I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?” I looked around taking in the mess.
“I ask myself the same question everyday sweetheart.” Sam looked up from the couch.
“Haha, very funny, mind telling me what actually happened!!” I was beginning to get annoyed, I think he sensed my sudden change of tone, as he jumped right up, nearly hitting his head off the ceiling.
“I… em… aliens?” He shrugged “they kinda… well… you know… went ransacking…”
“THEY WHAT!?” I stared at him in disbelief “WHAT DID THEY FIND! Did they take anything!? WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP THEM!?”
“I tried okay! I just got in to see them smash through the window! Saw the mess and presumed it was a ransacking. I didn’t say anything because they didn’t take anything! I thought maybe you just wouldn’t get mad at me… maybe…” he looked at me with puppy eyes.
“Honestly! You are such a liability.” I looked around as I heard a small beeping, I started wandering off in different rooms, trying to find it.
“I’m sorry okay! I should of done something.” I ignored him. “Oh, come on! Give me something other than the silent treatment!”
“Shhh,” I couldn’t hear the beeping over his incessant rambling. I saw a slight flash of red coming out from under a pile of clothes. I started rummaging through the pile, in search of the noise.
“Hey! Don’t Touch that they’re my clothes!” He whined.
I found the source of the beeping, “run!!” I bolted out of the room, grabbing his arm and dragging him with me. “MOVE IT COME ON!”
“You know I don’t run!” He rolled his eyes and stood still.
“Fine.” He unwillingly started running with me. “Why do we have to run,” he complained.
“Because our little alien friends weren’t looking for something they were planting a bomb—“
“No one is born EVIL. It’s inflicted on them by the world, there experience make them twist up, experiences make people stiffen up like planks of wood, experiences make people see the world with fresh eyes. So Judge, no one begins evil, life makes even the sweetest people turn. That’s what happened to me. Sorry if this sounds attention seeking but the world wasn’t fair on me. Oh how? HOW WASN’T THE WORLD FAIR? How could the world possibly be SOOOO UNFAIR to little miss goody two shoes, teachers pet, nerd. HOW COULD THE WORLD BE SOOOO UNFAIR TO HER? Oh well I’ll tell you. I was born the eldest child in the suburbs. First red flag! Eldest child all the weight of the family put on their shoulders! My power was pretty much destruction, my blood is black and I can destroy the world with the raise of a hand. One flick of the wrist and the world engulfed. My sister had a basic useful power, telekinesis. Second red flag! An obscure power that makes people scared of you! No matter how scary my power was to people, they began to grow less scared and more empowered. They knew I would never use my power they even started to doubt I had one. They bullied me, beat me, laughed at me. THIRD RED FLAG right there!! Bullying, extra pressure put on my shoulders, on top of the weight of the family. My sister praised while me demeaned because of a stupid power assigned at birth. SEE THE WORLD WAS UNFAIR! It’s probably unfair for you right? RIGHT?! I’m sorry, sorry… I’ll calm down and start from the beginning. When you are born each person is given their own individual power. My power is ‘destruction’ That power isn’t all that exciting and isn’t really a crowd pleaser. I was never all that too popular at school to begin with, and especially more so after they found out what my power was. I was a ‘nerd’ and had the power to kill everyone or one person. A lot of people misunderstand what my power does, it’s mass destruction but can also be narrowed down to one person or more than that, but not all. I can focus on one person and they can die without killing anyone else. At the time I didn’t know that until July 2nd 2009, when I found out what I could do. School that morning was the same as usual, I walked to school, it rained, I went to class. Lunch was also the same, I was shut in a locker, ate my lunch by myself. Then at the end of the day was something that never happened before. I was pinned up against the wall by Charlie Grace and his goons. The punched me and my nose was bleeding, my black blood dripping down my face and onto my shirt like an ink stain. He dropped me and began walking away, and this is where something that’s never happened before happened. I stood up and yelled back,
I yelled back.
“Hey Charlie, leave me alone!” Is what I said He was startled and whipped round,” “what did you say.” ““I said…” I walked towards him and looked him straight in the eye. “Leave. Me. Alone…” I said in a soft, whisper like voice. I them stepped back and started walking away. He ran at me and I closed my eyes put my hand out in front of me bracing myself. I heard screams and opened my eyes, his legs were turning black and spreading up his legs. ‘She’s a witch, it’s the dark arts!’ ‘It’s not the dark arts ding bar, that’s her power!’ ‘Everyone run before she gets us!’ His goons yelled panicking running around. I stood confused, I didn’t know I could do that, how did I do that?” “Wow Angel, what an angel you are. So you’re just going to kill me. Thanks a lot,” “that was the last thing he said, then he blew away as black ash. ‘I… I’m sorry,’ “
“I am not. I’m not sorry, not anymore, he deserves it. The police were called and I was arrested, they let me go because I’m a minor and minors can’t be arrested for power related crimes, I was sent back to school, but this time everyone was scared. They knew what I could do now, and they were scared! The police kept getting called, any crime committed it was blamed on me and I was taken in for questioning. I was released, then the police would be called again. The vicious cycle. So I figured if I’m going to be seen as the villain I may as well fully commit. I’m going to win this time and there is nothing! NOTHING! They can do to stop me. I have lost to many times. Some people have bad days I have had a bad life. If I want something, it’s taken from me. If I win a fight I loose the war.”
“They will come for you,”
“Threats only work on people who have something to loose, I’ve already lost it all.
This is checkmate. “
(Just incase this isn’t clear, the girl is called angel and had kidnapped someone, this whole thing is her doing that classic supervillain speech and telling the person she kidnapped how she became evil.)
She woke up to the sound of dripping and the smell of damp earth. She had blurry vision due to being Knocked out , but she could see something scurrying and knocking things over.
She rubbed her head, as her eyes came back into focus. The figure that was once scurrying about was now right up in her face. She blinked twice, then screamed and jumped back.
“AHH!” The figure screamed in a high pitched voice, and fell on the floor.
It was a small girl with brown hair in bunches, she had a cheeky looking round cheeks with freckles. Butterflies flew around her and some even landed in her hair. She had a pale blue dress that looked like it was made out of petals and she wasn’t wearing anything on her feet. Her eyes were blue ish green and had a violet rim around them, she had rounded puppy eyes.
She stood up and dusted herself off. Elya stood up as well but stood in the corner of the cave scared of the small girl.
“Hi, I’m Sofia,” she said in her high pitched voice. “What’s your name.”
“I’m… E… Elya,” her voice shaked.
“Can I write your name down on my hand,”
“So I don’t forget,” she smiled and scribbled it down on her hand. “So what are you doing around here?” She asked.
Elya stood silently and just looked at the roof.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy,” she wiggled her nose, “it’s just we don’t see many of you down here,”
“What do you mean?” Elya looked confused.
“Down here, on the forest floor,”
“No, I mean, you don’t see many of me down here?”
“Oh right, yeah, we don’t see many Selene people around here, or anywhere really.”
“Mhm, people who have the glowing fingers. You know, I’ve heard about it but I’ve never seen it.”
“ you mean there are other people who have glowing fingers.”
Elya jumped in the air, “ so there’s more people! More people like me and my… sister,” she suddenly got quiet as she remembered her sister.
“Yes, although… I’ve never met anyone like you before!”
“You should be great full for that,” she sunk back into the corner of the cave.
“And why’s that…” she looked at her hand, “Elya…”
“I killed my own sister,”
“Ohh sheesh,” elya turned her head and Sofia was right next to her now. She turned to see Elya looking sad, “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m told I need to work on social cues.”
“It’s okay,” Elya tried to smile. “Anyway, what do you mean you have never met anyone like me?”
“I mean, your eyes and your hair,”
Elya grabbed her hair and tried to cover it, “I know it’s an obscure colour.”
“No, not that, I mean when your hair stands up like it’s static, and your eyes glimmer green.”
“How do you know that?”
“I saw it when those giants were stomping through the forest,” she sat down in a huff. “I ran away though to warn everyone, they didn’t believe me though,” she rolled her eyes. “They don’t believe anything I say,” she crossed her arms.
“Well, I believe you.” Elya touched her hand. “But, why don’t they believe you?”
“I’m a fallen fairy,” she turned around and pointed on the stubs that were on her back where her wings should be.
“Oh gosh,” how did that happen.
“Where I come from fairies are better than everyone else. I didn’t believe in that logic so I already got a strike. Three strikes and your wings are cut off then they send you away with a horse. My second strike was saving a cat stuck in a tree. But my final strike was when the village caught on fire. People were trapped in their cottages so I ran in to save them, I saved five people. Yet my wings were cut off. I was sent away and a fairies magic comes from their wings so that’s why I’m not as small.” She looked down at the ground, “I just wish that those fairies weren’t such snobs.” She huffed again. “Well, you want to go to the king of the NorthWind giants right?”
“How did you know,” Elya asked “Do you know where…”
“yep, and I just happen to know he is having a ball in 2 days. So we should get going,” she stood up determined and walked towards her horse.
She woke up at the break of dawn the next morning. She awoke abruptly because of a nightmare about her sister. So she decided to start walking, she needed to get to the Northwind and talk to the king. It was still quite dark but she limped across the forest floor. Her leg was broken and so was her shoulder,she could hear the sound of water crashing on rocks and started dragging herself towards it. Through the great evergreens was a waterfall leaping over the cliff and into the creek. Next to the creek grew criggle berries, they’re healing berries. If you smash them up and rub them on the place you want to heal it heals it. It’s a prime ingredient in all medicines. You can eat them but only people with strong stomachs can hold them down. She managed to get up on her feet and she dove over to the edge of the creek and grabbed the berries, smashed them up and rubbed them on the skin in the area where her broken bones were. They healed quick and she was no longer in pain. She jumped up and started walking down the creek towards the waterfall. Pixies and village’s settle near waterfalls maybe she could find out where she was and where The NorthWind is. When she was getting closer to the a figure in the shape of a horse and a person or creature. She started waving her hands above her head and she started running yelling, “ HEY, who are you?!” The horse started running away. So she ran faster. She chased it to the edge of the creek and into the forest. “I just need some help, who are you?” THUNK! She hit a tree branch. “I.. I just… want… to know… who, who you… are,” she was breathing heavily and her vision was blurry, the sky was swirling and she blacked out.
Winx flew to the edge of the cliff, jingling and looked down into the dark forest that lurked bellow, he yelled down to them, “Elya! Stella! Please, don’t die.” He started sobbing and tried to fly down after them but he couldn’t it was like he was glued in place. “Elya let go!” He yelled down the cliff trying to hold back his tears, he started hitting his hands off the floor. “let go,” he whispered to himself. They fell for what seemed like forever until eventually THUMP! They hit the floor. Elya struggled trying to get up she was aching all over. She lifted her self onto her feet out of the berry bush she had landed in. She gazed up the sun low in the sky, she starred up at the towering mountain range and the cliff she had just taken a tumble off. She was running around looking for her sister Stella. “Stella! Where are you!?” She found her sister in a lying patch of damp grass. Stella’s blonde hair was covered in dew and her hands had scrapes and dirt on them. “STELLA!” She rushed over tears welling in her eyes. Her fingers were glowing again and her hair standing up. She grabbed her sister hand. “Stella, Stella? Are you alive!” She lifted her up into her arms. “I’m alive,” she said quietly, “eh..er,” she groaned. “What’s wrong,” Elya felt something wet touch her hand she lifted it our from behind her sisters head and saw her hand was covered in blood. She looked at the grass that was under her sister, dyed red from blood. She was bleeding out and quickly. “Stella?… you… you’re bleeding out.” Elya started balling waterfalls. “It’s okay Elya, I’ll meet mum and dad again and you’ll do fine without me.” She assured Elya with a smile. “But…” “No! You got this, you need to save our home , Winx and all the creatures of the forest. For me?” “I will,” she wiped her tears. Both of their fingers were glowing as Elya grabbed Stella’s hand, but her pulse stopped and her glow died out. Her skin started flaking off and glowing and she drifted off into the sky swirling in a glow of star dust. As the sun set and the moon had risen Elya noticed another star in the sky that she hadn’t seen the night before, it had a yellow glow the same colour of her sisters finger glow. She was resting on the floor gazing at the stars.
Butterflies flew across the sky, and an eagle cut through the air. A plaid blanket was laid out across the floor. A girl with red ringlet hair, green eyes, a turned up nose and freckles scattered on her face. Across from her a girl with Ashe blonde hair in french braids, green eyes and sun kissed skin. The blonde girl was lying back looking up at the drifting clouds. A small glowing smudge darted around twinkling. It was a small pixie, he had strawberry blonde hair and glitter freckles. He had orange glittery wings, he looked like a Monarch butterfly. He seemed alarmed and swung himself around high on adrenaline. He was slurring his words and stuttering, his wings were flapping at 120 WP, a regular WP was 97. “E…E…Elya, the…the gggggggiant from th…th…the….” “Spit it out winx,” The girl with blonde hair was starting to panic. The pixie took a deep breath and said, “I’m trying Stella,” he shut his eyes and yelled “THE GIANT FROM THE NORTHWIND IS COMING !” He started breathing really heavy. Elya’s fingers started glowing a looming green colour and her ringlet hair stood up on end as her eyes opened wider with shock. Stella’s fingers were glowing too as she dove to catch Winx who was dropping from the sky. “Be careful Winx, what do you mean the giant is coming?” She tried to ask calmingly but you could tell she was struck. “He’s marching through the forest,” the pixie said wearily with his wings wrapped round him. “He’s looking for you two, He’s, he’s, he’s…” “Take it slow Winx, calm down,” Elya assured him. “He’s going to destroy the forest.” Elya and Stella exchanged looks of shock and fear. Elya put her hand on her sisters shoulder, but she was quickly knocked over by the shaking ground. “Is that an earth quake,” Stella lifted herself up rubbing her head. “No, It’s the NorthWind Giant,” Winx jingled as he’s rolled around from the tremors. Trees were snapping and crashing to the ground splinters were flying everywhere. The giant had made it way into the clearing where they were having their picnic. The giant looked around aimlessly. “Giants can’t see during the day, it looks blurry, but they can see sharp movements so everyone stay still. It’s kind of like night blindness but during the day; daylight blindness.” Elya said standing still. They all stood still and didn’t move a muscle. The giant was still looking around and then started to turn around. “Phew,” Winx let out a sigh of relief. “Woah!” Stella stumbled and fell on her face. The giant heard and whipped round he could see them now, and he knew where they were. He was moving quick pace and catching up to them as they backed up to the edge of the cliff. Winx was darting about in a panic again, “what are you going to do!” Their fingers were still glowing and their hair standing up on end. Elya grabbed her sisters hand, they locked eyes as they glowed a mystic green colour and both nodded. They walked back and…Jumped.
Me and my partner walked up to the farm house and Clyde ran into the door trying to mock it down. He span around in dizziness “I don’t think that was a good idea,” then he fell on his face. I chuckled but walked towards the door and started jiggling the door handle, “ maybe not Clyde.” I pried the door open “Ah ha,” Clyde jumped back up, “Em… you sure we should go in there,” he pointed into the door way and stared into the dark house, “looks eery” he stood peering in behind my shoulder. “Clyde we went over this on the walk here, it’s our job. Now come on,” I stepped in and took out my book to access the situation. Clyde walked in shivering with fear. “Maybe I should just go,” he ran for the door but it slammed shut with a BANG!He jumped and hung onto me, “I told you this was a bad idea.” “Clyde! Pull yourself together this is a week old crime scene, the murderer is long gone and the body has been removed and taken to the forensics team. We are just here to find any other evidence of a murder weapon or other links to the murderer.” I kicked him off my leg. “You’re Right, you’re right,” he stood up and straightened his coat. “Let’s do this.” “Nice to have you back Clyde,” we walked down the hall into the kitchen. There was blood on the skirting boards, squinted paintings and hanging lights. In the kitchen nothing looked too out of place except for the plant pot that was smashes on the floor and had a bit of splattered blood on it. “Blunt object, blood and out of place, it’s a possible murder weapon. Pass me a bag,” Clyde slipped on plastic gloves and lifted it into a plastic bags. I was really confused Clyde seemed unfazed by the blood and didn’t seem jumpy at all. Two minutes ago he was clutching to me like a child. He was acting fairly reasonable considering he is an over thinker. He took out his Walkie-Talkie and turned it on “This is Clyde Watson and Katherine Jackson on the Huntington Farm House case. We have some evidence of a murder weapon and we will bringing it in shortly to be tested, over and out.” We walked through the rest of the house, it was pretty dull, the murder must have been taken out in the kitchen. We left the house with the evidence we gathered it was up to our forensics team now, we would be called back in if necessary. We walked to the car it was quiet, Clyde didn’t say much. “You okay Clyde,” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “On the inside im panicking, I’m shaking in my boots, I’m pretty sure my heart is racing and I’m pretty sure my chances of fainting is getting higher as the seconds go on. But I’m trying to stay calm, I’m trying to keep it together because this is my job!” He yelled, “Nope. Pretty sure I’m still going to faint.” He speech started to slow down, “yep…here I…go.” He dropped and I dived catching him. “This really isn’t the right line of work for you Clyde,” I laughed to myself and dragged him back to the car.