the doll

in this city

vines crawl up the walls

hugging to the old stone bricks

like sloths to a tree that climb up large

marble pillars of what once used to be great

they remain standing in what once used to be the

biggest city mankind has ever created with stairs that

lead you down down down where no one’s gone in a while

you open the door and there’s dust on the floor and cobwebs on

the walls where drawings and portraits were hung up as if it was only

yesterday when the tragedy struck as if they were still alive but just in hiding

you pick up a doll that laid long forgotten and it’s a doll with black hair and brown

eyes made with buttons and suddenly this all feels so familiar like a voice that’s always

been by your side and you pitied those who lived here but you quickly began to realize that;

it was your doll.

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