
Her time is running up.

She won’t eat.

Soon she’ll be up.

Up in heaven.

She’s named after a flower.


Is it to late to recap our memories.

The memories we made for 13 years

You were by my side.

Through everything.

Your fun jumping when I get home from school.

Our fun wrestling on the bed.

Your my best friend.

In dog form.


The name fits you well.

Your beautiful in many ways.

One day I’ll carry you with me everywhere.

When I’m 18.

I’ll get your mark on me.

Our memories shared together.

The day you came into our family.

Is the day my life changed.

With you in it I couldn’t think of anything else.

But your time is running out.

After 13 years you will no longer be in my life.

But you’ll be in my heart.

Your times up.

I will miss your sweet and gentle face.

Your nub of a tail.

Your bucking like a bull.

It’s to late.

I want to spend more time with you.

Before you go.

Before you leave me.

Oh Daisy.



I wish to imagine a Daisy on my ankle.

A mark that represents you.

No dog can ever replace you.

Daisy my sweet and beautiful girl.

Oh how I miss going to the park with you.

The memories of our old house.

You use to open the bedroom doors.

There’s no day I didn’t go with out a smile.

Because you were always welcoming me home.

But one day I won’t get to be welcomed.

One day I’ll go to school and when I get home.

You’ll be gone.

My heart shatters when the thought of you leaving.

But it’s time for you to go.

I can’t stop that.

Your time is running short.

And I want to spend the rest of my time.

By your side.

Oh Daisy.



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