Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.

It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.

Mushroom Ravioli

Lily had been cooking the same recipe for years.

The recipe that her restaurant was the most famous for.

Mushroom ravioli.

She made the pasta dough;

Flour, eggs, oil, water, salt.

She simmered and combined the filling of the mushrooms;

Porcini mushrooms,

fresh mushrooms,

olive oil, parsley, cloves of garlic,

salt, black pepper, eggs,

ricotta cheese.

She used a far of her famous sauce to coat the masterpiece, then she put it in a giant pot, ready for anyone who orders it, for a waiter could simply scoop it up and put it in a bowl.

Little did all the costumers, including Lily, know that she accidentally used Death Cap mushrooms.


For all who are too lazy to google it, or read this before you would, Death caps are considered the most deadly type of mushroom, it causes symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. The symptoms will subside after a few days, feigning the victims health improving, only to learn tryst they have life-threatening damage to their liver. It causes 90 percent of the deaths caused by mushroom poisoning.

This is why I hate mushrooms.

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