Fuck It

Listen I always said that when god sends me to hell I want him to hesitate, and that he did. To be fair I honestly wish I had done more and so much worse if I knew that regardless of how I lived I would somehow still end up here. There was so much shit I could’ve done to earn my damnation to hell. But nooooooo I was a goodie two shoes hoping that heaven would see that and let me go to heaven so I can be reunited with my beloved Henry. The saint himself went to church, donated, volunteered, played by all the rules and got a VIP pass to heaven. Granted I didn’t go to church or anything but I at least never did anything wrong like murder or thievery. You know love thy neighbor and some shit and yet here I am with all the hitlers and epstiens of the world who actually deserve to be here.

Well since I’m here mind as well have some fun, don’t you think?

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